Sociaal-culturele ontwikkelingen in Nijmegen 2005
Grootschalig veldonderzoek onder de Nijmeegse bevolking, uitgevoerd door studenten sociologie en communicatiewetenschap van de Radboud Universiteit. -
LISS immigrant panel data - overview of available LISS Studies 2010 – 2014
In addition to the LISS panel an Immigrant panel was available from October 2010 up until December 2014. This Immigrant panel consisted of around 1600 households (2400... -
Sociaal-culturele ontwikkelingen in Nijmegen 2004
Grootschalig veldonderzoek onder de Nijmeegse bevolking, uitgevoerd door studenten sociologie en communicatiewetenschap van de Radboud Universiteit. -
Religion in Dutch Society 2005 - SOCON 2005
National survey on religious and secular attitudes and behaviour. Surveys on religion in Dutch society, also known as social and cultural developments in the Netherlands have... -
International Social Survey Programme - ISSP-NL 2007-2008 Leisure & Sports / ...
The modules 2007 (“Leisure and Sports”) and 2008 (“Religion IV”) of the International Social Survey Programme in the Netherlands [ISSP-NL] were conducted in 2008 as a... -
The role of school-related social networks for school leaving examination and...
Topics: I) Leisure time and social network: Composition of the social network of schoolmates; membership and frequency of activities in associations and other organizations;... -
Church Attendance and Religious change Pooled European dataset (CARPE)
The CARPE project has been developed to empirically address the religious change and secularization debate. The present data set contains aggregate survey-based estimates for... -
Religious Fundamentalism and Radicalization Survey
The "Religious Fundamentalism and Radicalization Survey (RFRS)" is a large-scale cross-sectional survey conducted among Muslims, Christians, Jews, and non-believers in Cyprus,... -
Interreligious contact and attitudes in Togo and Sierra Leone: The role of i...
The published data and documents provide information to replicate the analyses of the paper "Interreligious contact and attitudes in Togo and Sierra Leone: The role of ingroup... -
Religious Fundamentalism and Radicalization Survey
The "Religious Fundamentalism and Radicalization Survey (RFRS)" is a large-scale cross-sectional survey conducted among Muslims, Christians, Jews, and non-believers in Cyprus,... -
Antisemitismus bei Jugendlichen und Heranwachsenden in Deutschland: Zur Bedeu...
In dem vorliegenden Forschungsbericht werden Ergebnisse einer im Frühsommer 2022 durchgeführten Onlinebefragung einer für die Bevölkerung in Deutschland... -
Social Survey Austria 1993 (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. This is the dataset of the second wave of the Austrian Social Survey that investigates changes in the social structure, living conditions,... -
New Democracies Barometer 1992
The New Democracies Barometer (NDB) surveys were conducted in the years 1991, 1992, 1994, 1996 and 1998. The aim of the NDB is to evaluate long-terms developments in economic,... -
A Composite Study of Xenophobia 1998
No abstract available Probability: Cluster: Stratified random Face-to-face interview -
Austrian Immigrant Survey 2016 (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. The Austrian Immigrat Survey 2016 is a supplementary telephone survey to the main survey of the Social Survey Austria (SSÖ) 2016. In the... -
Standardization and Validation of a Value Retention Test 2003
The newly developed "Österreichische Wertefrageben" (ÖWF; Austrian Value Questionnaire), which consists of five scales (intellectuality, harmony, religiosity, materialism and... -
Social Survey Austria 2003 (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. This is the dataset of the third wave of the Austrian Social Survey that investigates changes in the social structure, living conditions,... -
Social Survey Austria 2018 (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. This is the dataset of the fifth wave of the Austrian Social Survey that investigates changes in the social structure, living conditions,... -
New Democracies Barometer 1996
The New Democracies Barometer (NDB) surveys were conducted in the years 1991, 1992, 1994, 1996 and 1998. The aim of the NDB is to evaluate long-terms developments in economic,... -
European Social Survey 2002-Austria
The political institutions of the European Community and of single nations are facing new challenges and changes in the 21st century. The European Social Survey poses the...