Dades publicació en accés obert de les universitats catalanes 2011-2021
Conjunt de dades del grau de publicació en accés obert (articles) de les 11 universitats catalanes i resultats agregats durant el període 2011-2021. S’ha consultat Unpaywall per... -
Audio description scripts used for Arias-Badia & Matamala (2023): ContaWords ...
This dataset comprises the ContaWords outputs for the audio description scripts of the following films: Buried, Closer, Deception, Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince, Law... -
Presencia y actividad de las universidades en redes sociales
Los datos recopilan el volumen de presencia y actividad de las 70 universidades top-ranked en Facebook, Twitter y LinkedIn -
Dades comparatives de formació presencial i virtual asíncrona de la SGPC
Dades provinents de formularis d'inscripció, d'enquestes de satisfacció i d'un qüestionari de percepció de l'usuari dissenyat ad-hoc i validat per experts per analitzar la taxa... -
Qualitative instruments to identify "resilient practices" to help children an...
This dataset corresponds to the qualitative instruments of the "Children, youth and resilient communities" research project, used to be able to collect the qualitative data that... -
Young people and children's questionnaires to know about the help and support...
These questionnaires correspond to one of the methodological phases of the research project "Resilient children, youth and communities: identifying and analysing social and... -
Pre-test Domus Ludens
Domus Ludens. The Domus Ludens Project has sought to promote play culture in residential centres to protect children in three European countries: Spain, Poland and Germany. the... -
Dataset sobre hábitos y percepciones sobre la ciencia abierta de investigador...
El conjunto de datos contiene archivos sobre una encuesta y datos de las respuestas, sobre hábitos y percepciones respecto a la ciencia abierta realizada a investigadores de... -
Replication Data for: A serial founder effect model of phonemic diversity bas...
It has been observed that the number of phonemes in languages in use today tends to decrease with increasing distance from Africa. A previous formal model has recently... -
L'ús de les fonts periodístiques a la premsa gironina (1996-2016)
This research aims to study, both in quantity and quality, the use of sources of information in the production of news about the six main cities of the Girona Province (Girona,... -
Early Iron Age (Bantu) sites in East and Southeast Africa
Selection of 70 early Iron Age (Bantu) sites in East and Southeast Africa. Names, dates and coordinates were obtained from Russell Table 2 (Russell T, Silva F, Steele J.... -
Summary of Twitter activity and interactions by teacher and students
The dataset contains two data sheets, summarizing the results of a class activity involving the use of Twitter to share information and to learn. Table S1 is a summary of the... -
Supplemental Data of: The Moral Foundations of Illusory Correlation
Datos brutos correspondientes al estudio "The Moral Foundations of Illusory Correlation" (Rodríguez-Ferreiro y Barberia, enviado) incluyendo resultados de cuestionarios de... -
Four Thesaurus Brand Personality Dictionaries
This study presents a new BP dictionary that aiding in including most of the items that may be of prominent relevancy to various studies and still within the five personality... -
Reliability coefficients from the Inventory of Learning patterns of Students ...
Reliability coefficients of the Inventory of Learning patterns of Students (ILS; Vermunt, 1998), retrieved from articles and research reports of studies that met the eligibility... -
Dataset about the Spanish academic libraries’ perceptions of Open Science. Dr...
This data set is made up of the data collected in two files ( odt., with the survey instrument and csv., with the responses to this survey) to carry out the analysis of the... -
Database of Catalan Adjectives
The database contains 2,296 alphabetically ordered adjective lemmata (rows) and 45 columns with various types of linguistic information about each lemma. The adjectives... -
Raw data of the study Cannabis and public health: A study assessing regular c...
This is the raw data used for the analyses of the study. It includes all the variables analyzed in the manuscript. The file "Main data" corresponds to all variables relative to... -
ManyNames object naming database
ManyNames is an object naming data base with English data. It provides up to 36 name annotations for each of 25K objects in images selected from VisualGenome. VisualGenome,... -
Management and teaching teams' questionnaire (data frame)
"WeAreHere!" Management and teaching teams' questionnaire. This dataset includes: (1) the WaH management and teaching teams' questionnaire (21 questions including 5-point Likert...