Selective Laser Melting Induced Residual Stress in a Nickel-based Superalloy
Nickel-based superalloy is widely used in aerospace engine components for its excellent high-temperature performance. Because of the difficulty in producing superalloy... -
Residual stress measurement of mooring chains using neutron diffraction (Resu...
High rate of failure of mooring chains used in the offshore industry necessitates improved understanding of phenomena correlated to the fatigue life of these chains. Although... -
Residual Strain Scanning of Medieval double-edged sword from the Royal Armouries
The European Medieval double-edged sword develops in the 11th century from the Viking Age sword. Already in the 10th century, some of the finest examples of the Ulfberht type of... -
Effect of PWHT on Lattice Parameters of a Dissimilar Metal Butt Weld
Stress corrosion cracking is an important degradation mechanism that is threatening the structural integrity of pressurised water reactors throughout the world. Dissimilar weld... -
In-situ and simultaneous SANS and ND to study the precipitation and phase tra...
Nano-steels are a new generation of Advanced High-Strength Steels, which are used in the automotive industry to reduce vehicle weight and thereby improve the fuel economy and/or... -
Development of Creep Cavitation in Stainless Steel
Reheat cracking is a creep failure mode that has been observed in welded structures operating at high temperatures in the power generation industry. The failure results from the... -
Interactions between Designed Antimicrobial Lipopeptides and Inner Membrane L...
Neutron reflection will be used to reveal the structural changes from different inner membrane leaflet models upon interacting with a group of antimicrobial lipopeptides with... -
The effect of process parameters on residual strain generation and microstruc...
The aim of this work is to characterise the residual stresses in the longitudinal, transverse ans short transverse directions for 11 welds in 6.5mm thick HSLA-65 (ferritic) and... -
Surface adsorption in highly non-ideal multi-component surfactant mixtures
This proposal is about the development of sustainable detergency based formulations, based on the blending of biosurfactants with conventional surfactants, and is part of a CASE... -
Eliminating Residual Stress in Stainless Steel Welded Joints using Transforma...
In the course of 2.5 years research in Cambridge, we have developed for the first time a tough, low-carbon martensitic stainless steel weld metal (CamAlloy 4) which can be used... -
Investigation of the residual strain evolution upon in situ annealing of the ...
The present research proposal focuses on solving technological challenges associated with the implementation of components of Nickel superalloys produced by Additive... -
Suitability of dual phase steel for tomographic reconstruction and digital vo...
This dataset has no description
EBSD, DIC and Neutron Diffraction to characterise phase transformation and pl...
Martensitic transformations are solid-state transformations on completion of which a hard phase having very high dislocation density is obtained. Despite often being an... -
Influence of multiaxial cyclic loading on residual stress stability in high-s...
In welded joints subjected to multiaxial fatigue, it is of interest to determine both the time to crack initiation and propagation to understand what controls fatigue life of... -
In Situ Torsional Testing to study hkl strains and phase transformation in TR...
No diffraction studies have specifically aimed to study the (hkl) specific strain in polycrystals under the application of pure shear. A technique is proposed that has been... -
Towards reliable residual stress characterization in dissimilar metal welds
The proposed experiment forms a part of a joint study by M. Rahman, an ILL PhD thesis student, and J. Brokx, a CDT thesis student supported by ISIS. In the proposed experiment,... -
Assessment of variant selection in a novel martensitic stainless steel filler...
Recently a new martensitic filler material has been designed and made, which has good mechanical properties as well as corrosion resistance. This alloy also exhibits a low... -
quenching and partitioning the new heat-treatment porcess 2
quenching and partitioning the new heat-treatment porcess 2 -
Stress-assisted Martensite Influence of martensite initiation mode on varia...
The aim of the present proposal is to determine the influence of the different martensite transformation regimes (either stress-assisted or strain-induced) on the proceeding... -
Quantification of the Residual Stress Distribution in 316L Welded Austenitic ...
316L austenitic stainless steels are widely known for their corrosion resistance however they have been known to fail under specific conditions via stress corrosion cracking....