Investigating Magnetic Ordering in Ba2MnWO6 and Sr2MnWO6
Cubic double perovskites provide a rare example of an undistorted face-centred cubic lattice, made up of edge sharing regular tetrahedra. In Ba2MnWO6, antiferromagnetically... -
Spin Dynamics in the isotopically enriched spin ice 162Dy2Ti2O7
In an attempt to study the dynamics of Dy2Ti2O7 measured using muons we have made a sample of 162Dy2Ti2O7 where the 161 and 164 isotopes are reduced to a minimum (max. 0.6% of... -
Spin dynamics of the Heisenberg triangular antiferromagnet KCrO2
The members of the series ACrO2 (where A=Li, Na, K) comprise well-decoupled, highly ideal triangular planes containing isotropic spins. While the A=Li and Na materials have been... -
Iron-based superconductors with molecular spacer layers: probing Li diffusion...
All known iron-based superconductors comprise layers of FeAs or FeSe with some combination of group I, group II or lanthanide oxide layers, and usually some doping. To make...