Determination of Nd-Sr isotopes from marine sediments offshore of the central...
Neodymium and strontium isotope compositions from four marine Kasten cores recovered from the continental rise of central Wilkes Land, East Antarctica. Empty cells = n.d. -
(Table A1) Isotopic ratios of Sr, Nd, and Pb for sediments in ODP Leg 138 sites
The provenance of eolian dust supplied to deep-sea sediments has the potential to offer insights into changes in past atmospheric circulation. Specifically, measuring temporal... -
(Table 2) Lithium concentration and isotope composition of sediments from ODP...
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(Table 2) Lithium concentration and isotope composition of sediments from ODP...
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(Table 1) Lithium concentration and isotope composition of pore fluids from O...
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(Table 1) Lithium concentration and isotope composition of pore fluids from O...
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(Table 1) Lithium concentration and isotope composition of pore fluids from O...
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(Table 3) Chemical and isotopic compositions of fresh and altered gabbros fro...
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(Table 1) Chemical and isotopic compositions of pore fluids from ODP Site 169...
d6Li = {[(6Li/7Li)sample / (6Li/7Li)standard] - 1} x 1000, where 6Li/7Li ratio of the standard (L-SVEC Li2CO3) is 0.082757 +/- 0.000028. Repeat analyses of samples give external... -
(Table 1) Chemical and isotopic compositions of pore fluids from ODP Site 169...
d6Li = {[(6Li/7Li)sample / (6Li/7Li)standard] - 1} x 1000, where 6Li/7Li ratio of the standard (L-SVEC Li2CO3) is 0.082757 +/- 0.000028. Repeat analyses of samples give external... -
(Table 1) Chemical composition of sediments from DSDP Hole 21-204
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(Table 1) Results of pore water analyses, including boron content and boron i...
Drilling a transect of holes across the Costa Rica forearc during ODP Leg 170 demonstrated the margin wedge to be of continental, non accretionary origin, which is intersected... -
Age and strontium analysis from a large paleo-estuary east of the Banc d'Argu...
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(Table 2) Isotopic composition of aragonites from ODP Hole 209-1274A
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(Table 2) Isotopic composition of aragonites from ODP Hole 209-1271B
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(Table 2) Isotopic composition of calcites from ODP Hole 209-1271A
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(Table 3) Uranium concentrations and isotopic ratios of bulk sediments and Mg...
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(Table 4) Pb isotopic composition of DSDP Leg 92 sediments
The carbonate fraction was leached by 4 hours treatment by 10% acetic acid. Leach-2 fraction was leached from the carbonate-free fraction by 3 hours treatment by mixed... -
(Table S1) Calcium isotope ratios of Pacific Ocean sediments
Multiple lines of evidence have shown that the isotopic composition and concentration of calcium in seawater have changed over the past 28 million years. A high-resolution,... -
Isotope ratios of U, Nd, and Sr of ODP Hole 162-984A sediment samples (Table 1)
High precision uranium isotope measurements of marine clastic sediments are used to measure the transport and storage time of sediment from source to site of deposition. The...