Zircon (U-Th)/He dating resultsfrom selected Atitlán caldera eruptions (Table...
This dataset presents zircon (U-Th)/He eruption dates from three samples of the Atitlán caldera, including I-tephra (G17-38), W-tephra (G17-42), and Atitlán Early Tephra (AET;... -
Uranium-thorium dating of Atlantic cold-water corals from the last 32,000 years
Uranium-thorium dating offers the possibility of absolute age determination of cold-water corals (CWCs). We present here the complementary dataset to "Radiocarbon dating of... -
Radiochemical data for layers inside a buried manganese nodule from core CH71...
Radiochemical analyses have been performed on micro-samples extracted from various surface and inside layers of a buried manganese nodule recovered from core CH71-09 at a depth... -
Radiochemical data for sediments of cores CH71-08 and CH71-09, HARMATTAN camp...
Radiochemical analyses have been performed on 500 mg of each carbonate rich sediment sample (i.d., carbonaceous clay or mud) and 2 g for carbonate devoid samples (i.d.,... -
U-Th dating from a stalagmite Gen-A from northern Tasmania, Australia
We present results of Th/U dating data from a speleothem from northern Tasmania, Australia. The depths are relative to the base of the stalagmite. -
Thorium-230 dating of speleothems WB-21-5-A and WA-21-6-A
The dataset includes speleothem U-Th ages used to reconstruct climate in southeastern Alaska during the past ~3,500 years. Speleothem WB-21-5-A was collected in Wishbone Cave... -
AMS14C and U/Th coral ages of sediment core GeoB13729-1
*Lp/Mo: Lophelia pertusa/Madrepora oculata -
Down-core measurements of 231Pa/230Th for sediment core PS75/104-1
Version 2, 2021-09-30: Age model have been revised, previous version doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.889932 -
Down-core measurements of 231Pa/230Th for sediment core SO213/2_76-2
Version 2, 2021-09-30: Age model have been revised, previous version doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.889928 -
Down-core measurements of 231Pa/230Th for sediment core SO213/2_82-1
Version 2, 2021-09-30: Age model have been revised, previous version doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.889835 -
Down-core measurements of 231Pa/230Th for sediment core PS75/100-4
Version 2, 2021-09-30: Age model have been revised, previous version doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.889930 -
Protactinium, thorium, uranium and opal of sediment core GeoB1515
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(Table 9) U/Pb dating on monazite from migmatiteresults (Portsmouth)
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Protactinium, thorium, uranium and opal of sediment core KNR140-12JPC
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Protactinium, thorium, uranium and opal of sediment core GeoB1523-1
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Protactinium, thorium, uranium and opal of ODP Site 172-1062
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Protactinium, thorium, uranium and opal of ODP Site 172-1061
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Protactinium, thorium, uranium and opal of ODP Site 172-1060
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Protactinium, thorium, uranium and opal of ODP Site 172-1059
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Detrial Apatite dating of the Stac Fada Member and wider Stoer Group, northwe...
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