(Appendix) Geochemistry of ODP Leg 126 tephra samples
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(Table 4b) Chemical composition of ultrabasites and gabbro from Station VITYA...
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(Table 4b) Chemical composition of ultrabasites and gabbro from Station VITYA...
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(Table 3) Chemical composition of Fe-Mn nodules from the South Pacific
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(Table 7) Representative analyses of Fe-Ti oxides and apatite in rocks from t...
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(Table 6) Representative analyses of Cr-spinel in rocks from the Sierra Leone...
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(Table 5) Representative analyses of kaersutite in rocks from the Sierra Leon...
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(Table 4) Representative analyses of plagioclase in rocks from the Sierra Leo...
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(Table 3) Representative analyses of pyroxenes in rocks from the Sierra Leone...
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(Table 2) Representative analyses of olivine in rocks from the Sierra Leone s...
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(Table 2) Chemical composition of globules from the Cape Verde Fault Zone
Analyses have been carried out by O.S. Khmel'nikova at the United Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineralogy, Siberian Division of the USSR Academy of Sciences. -
(Table 44) Chemical composition of ultrabasic rocks from the Yap fault zone a...
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(Table 43) Chemical composition of ultrabasic rocks from the Mariana Trench
Analyses have been carried out by M.A. Kanakina, N.V. Koroleva, and E.I. Tikhomirova.