Continuous pCO2 measurements with a multiple fibre optics device at station M...
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Distribution of pharmaceutical compounds in coastal waters of the North Sea i...
We investigated the occurrence, spatial, and vertical distributions of 63 pharmaceutical compounds and six artificial sweeteners from the sea surface microlayer (SML) to five... -
DISPRO datasets for validation of coastal hydrodynamic models
Appropriate field data are required to check the reliability of hydrodynamic models simulating the dispersion of soluble substances in the marine environment. This study deals... -
Hydrochemistry measured on water bottle samples from various cruises to the M...
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Station list and observations from net hawls ("Fangprotokoll") during cruise ...
Die biologischen Arbeiten der Deutschen Antarktischen Expedition 1938/39 wurden in übereinstimmung mit dem Institut für Walforschung der damaligen Reichsanstalt für Fischerei in... -
Current measurements with ADCP 20030717_StMartin
Current measurements were acquired from several stations around the Cap de la Hague over periods of 14-25 hours, using a SONTEK ADP profiler with a frequency of 1 000 kHz placed...