Kawatabi special research area of the Japanese IBP - Japan
This site was established on a tall, Japanese native grass (Miscanthus sinensis) pasture in 1982. Three different treatments (cutting, cattle grazing and abundoning) has been... -
Yr Wyddfa/Snowdon - United Kingdom
Yr Wyddfa/Snowdon is an upland ECN site incorporating the summit of Yr Wyddfa or Snowdon, the highest mountain in England and Wales, 19km south-east of Bangor in North Wales. It... -
Sourhope - United Kingdom
UK ECN site. The ECN site at Sourhope is managed by the James Hutton Institute with consent and support from Roxburghe Estate. Sourhope research station lies 15 miles... -
Rothamsted - United Kingdom
UK ECN site (T06 ROT) is funded through the Rothamsted Long-Term Experiments National Capability (LTE-NCG). Rothamsted is located about 35 km North of London, UK (51° 48’ 34.44”... -
Porton Down - United Kingdom
UK ECN site. Dstl Porton Down is located in Southern England on the Wiltshire/Hampshire border. It is owned by Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) and is used to... -
North Wyke - United Kingdom
UK ECN site. North Wyke (latitude 3o 54’ W; longitude 50o 46’N) lies in undulating countryside 7 km to the north of Dartmoor National Park, midway between the villages of South... -
Hillsborough - United Kingdom
UK ECN site. A lowland grassland site situated at the Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute, Co. Down, Northern Ireland and representative of grassland in much of the... -
Glensaugh - United Kingdom
UK ECN site. Glensaugh is one of two terrestrial ECN sites currently managed by the James Hutton Institute. Glensaugh Research station is 35 miles south west of Aberdeen, NE... -
The Pilica River LTER - Poland
The Pilica River watershed is located in central Poland (length:342 km, catchment area: 9258km2). Its mean and maximum discharge is 21.2 and 139m3 s−1, respectively. Agriculture... -
Welverdiend-South African Wildlife College - South Africa
A developing long-term research site, designed to determine the effects of harvesting of natural resources (particularly fuelwood) and domestic livestock on the biodiversity and... -
TERENO - Bad Lauchstaedt - Germany
The Experimental Research Station in Bad Lauchstädt allows scale-dependent experimental investigations of different ecological systems in climatic chambers, heated and unheated... -
TERENO - Bode catchment - Germany
The hydrological research within the Harz/Central German Lowland Observatory is concentrated in the catchment area of the river Bode (catchment size approx. 3.300 km²). The... -
Mordre - Norway
grain dominated catchment located in the south-eastern part of Norway, monitored by The Norwegian Agricultural Environmental Monitoring Programme -
Machuqueira do Grou - Portugal
Machuqueira do Grou is one of the six research and monitoring stations of LTER-Montado, an umbrella site located in the Alentejo province in south Portugal (southwestern... -
Herdade da Coitadinha - Portugal
Herdade da Coitadinha is one of the six research and monitoring stations of LTER-Montado, an umbrella site located in the Alentejo province in south Portugal (southwestern... -
Companhia das Lezírias - Portugal
Companhia das Lezírias is one of the six research and monitoring stations of LTER-Montado, an umbrella site located in the Alentejo province in south Portugal (southwestern... -
VLIZ Marine Observatory - Belgium
To support the marine biodiversity and ecosystem dynamics research community in Belgium, the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) has set up a local marine biodiversity observatory. -
Rottenhaus / Grabenegg - Austria
The Grabenegg Field Station (Alpenvorland), Lower Austria, is an agricultural research site of the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES). It is representative of... -
LTSER Zone Atelier Hwange - Zimbabwe
The LTSER Zone Atelier Hwange (ZAHWG) belongs to LTER-France network and is located in western Zimbabwe, in Sub-Saharan Africa, and is centered around Hwange National Park. The... -
Shenyang Experimental Station of Ecology - China
The Shenyang experimental station of ecology is located at Shilihe village of Sujiatun district, 35 km from southern Shenyang. The Station was founded in 1987, and it was...