NGC 6811 CCD UBVRI photometry
We present the results of CCD UBVRI observations of the open cluster NGC 6811 obtained on 18th July 2012 with the 1m telescope at the TIBITAK National Observatory (TUG). Using... -
Photometric variability of WR 103
We discuss a collection of archival multi-colour photometric data of the variable WC9-type Wolf-Rayet star WR103=HD164270 observed over a time interval of eleven years. The... -
A super-Earth planet in the WASP-84 system
Hot Jupiters have been perceived as loners devoid of planetary companions in close orbital proximity. However, recent discoveries based on space-borne precise photometry have... -
V392 Per. A gamma-ray bright nova
V392 Persei is a known dwarf nova (DN) that underwent a classical nova eruption in 2018. Here we report ground-based optical, Swift UV and X-ray, and Fermi-LAT {gamma}-ray... -
Light curves and eclipse times of HW Vir
A growing number of eclipsing binary systems of the HW Virginis (HW Vir) kind (i.e. composed by a subdwarf-B/O primary star and an M dwarf secondary) show variations in their... -
CCD Washington photometry of Antlia cluster
We present an extension of our previous research on the early-type galaxy population of the Antlia cluster (d~35Mpc), achieving a total coverage of ~2.6deg^2^ and performing... -
New variable stars towards Galactic Bulge
We report the detection of 3714 variable stars towards the Galactic bulge, including 2521 previously uncatalogued variables, using time-series photometry extracted from data... -
New white dwarf pulsators for TESS
We present the results of our survey searching for new white dwarf pulsators for observations by the TESS space telescope. We collected photometric time-series data on 14 white... -
Passive spiral galaxy cand. multi-phot.
We have identified a population of passive spiral galaxies from photometry and integral field spectroscopy. We selected z<0.035 spiral galaxies that have WISE colours... -
Time-series photometry of IC 348
We present long-term photometric observations of the young open cluster IC 348 with a baseline time-scale of 2.4yr. Our study was conducted with several telescopes from the... -
The pulsations of G 207-9 and LP 133-144
G 207-9 and LP 133-144 are two rarely observed ZZ Ceti stars located in the middle and close to the blue edge of the ZZ Ceti instability domain, respectively. We aimed to... -
Field RR Lyrae stars
This paper presents an extensive overview of known and proposed RR Lyrae stars in binaries. The aim is to revise and extend the list with new Galactic field systems. We utilized... -
Vi light curves of NGC6333 variables
We report CCD V and I time series photometry of the globular cluster NGC 6333 (M9). The technique of difference image analysis has been used, which enables photometric precision... -
Photometry of 3 open clusters
A comprehensive census of Galactic open cluster properties places unique constraints on the Galactic disc structure and evolution. In this framework, we investigate the... -
NGC 2849 and NGC 6134 UBVI photometry
We present CCD photometry of two southern open clusters. As part of the Bologna Open Cluster Chemical Evolution project we obtained BVI and UBVI imaging for NGC 2849 and NGC... -
Transiting exoplanet TrES-3b CCD UBVR photometry
We observed nine primary transits of the hot Jpiter TrES-3b in several optical and near-UV photometric bands from 2009 June to 2012 April in an attempt to detect its magnetic... -
UBVI photometry of 7 open clusters
New photometric material is presented for six outer disc supposedly old, Galactic star clusters: Berkeley 76, Haffner 4, Ruprecht 10, Haffner 7, Haffner 11 and Haffner 15, which... -
XY And and UZ Vir light curves
We present a thorough analysis of multicolour CCD observations of two modulated RRab-type variables, XY And and UZ Vir. These Blazhko stars show relatively simple light-curve... -
STEREO observations of variable stars
The feasibility of using data from the NASA STEREO mission for variable star and asteroseismology studies has been examined. A data analysis pipeline has been developed that is... -
Photometry of 3 open clusters
To study the crucial range of Galactocentric distances between 12 and 16kpc, where little information is available, we have obtained VI CCD imaging of Berkeley 20 and BVI CCD...