Complex ordering in a new polar A-site deficient perovskite
Recent theoretical work has identified that oxygen octahedral rotations (OORs) in layered perovskites such as Ruddlesden-Popper (RP) phases can generate noncentrosymmetry... -
Structural analysis of honeycomb ruthenates - the relationship between the di...
Honeycomb ruthenates (Ru4+, 4d4) are the potential playground for exotic magnetism associated with strong spin-orbit coupling. However, the real honeycomb ruthenate Li2RuO3... -
Can INS measurements access hydrocarbonaceous overlayers on heterogeneous hyd...
This application seeks to discover whether the catalyst handling protocols refined for INS measurements of a variety of heterogeneous catalytic systems can be further exploited... -
Dynamics of in Poly(vinyl alcohol)-SiC Nanofiber Composite
Inorganic-organic hybrid nanocomposites are formed by incorporating inorganic nanoparticles in soft organic polymer matrices. The dynamics of the polymer can be affected due to... -
Continuation: Magnetic Excitations in doped Ca3Ru2O7 - Investigating the role...
Ca3Ru2O7 plays host to a complex interplay between equivalent spin-orbit coupling (SOC) and electron correlation energies that foster exotic physics and an extreme sensitivity... -
The Dynamics of Molecular Hydrogen in Synthetic Na-Laponite
In this proposal we aim to study the low temperature uptake and dynamics of hydrogen in the interlayer region of partially hydrated pillared Na-laponite clay. There are linked... -
Instrumental calibration: 2,5-Diiodothiophene
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Search for magnetic long-range order in a spin-liquid candidate K2Ni2(SO4)3
We recently synthesised a new compound, K2Ni2(SO4)3, that allows the existence of non-trivial topologicalphases such as skyrmions. Specific heat measurements show the existence... -
The interaction of hydrogen with gallium oxide
There is an increasing interest in the application of gallium oxide as a catalyst support material, with particular interest in its use in new methanol steam reforming... -
CaF2 for LET resolution
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The interaction of C6Hx (x = 6, 8, 10, 12) with Raney Ni
Fuels such as diesel contains different kinds of aromatic and poly aromatic compounds, which on their combustion emits environmental pollutants such as SOx, NOx, COx, and... -
Magnetic order in the low doping regime in La(2-x)SrxCoO4
While investigating the ordering and magnetic dynamics in La2-xSrxCoO4 we found some intriguing behaviour for samples with small x, which would imply that the phase diagram is... -
Investigation of Structural Phase Diagram and Superconductivity Mechanism in ...
We propose elastic neutron powder diffraction experiments on new perovskite antimonates (Ba,K)SbO3. Recently, we confirmed that heavily K doped antimonates become... -
Ultra-confined two-dimensional ice with fast local diffusion at cryogenic tem...
Porous media constitute a broad class of materials which play key roles in geological processes and the modern chemical industry. The properties of confined fluids may be... -
Local coordination and vibrational properties of hydride-ions in peculiar per...
This proposal requests 5 days on TOSCA with the aim to investigate the compositional dependence (x) of the local coordination and vibrational properties of the novel class of... -
Inelastic neutron scattering from H_2 in binary clathrate hydrates
The proposing team is interested in exploring the rotational and translational dynamics of molecular hydrogen trapped in water-based cages (clathrate hydrates). These systems... -
Lattice and proton vibrational dynamics in Sc-doped BaTiO3 proton conductors
Proton conducting BaTi1-xScxO3Hx (BTS) perovskites are promising materials for proton conducting fuel cells in the intermediate temperature regime (200-600 °C). Compared to... -
TiO2 rutile T=4.0 F=100.0
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Simultaneous Raman and structural studies of the proton conductor CsHSO4.
Caesium hydrogen sulfate, CsHSO4 is a solid acid proton conductor, which operates in the temperature range from 100 to 200 °C. Hence, it has potential application in... -
Variable temperature structural study of Ca1-xSrxMnO3-d perovskites for use i...
CaMnO3-based perovskite oxides show promise as solid oxygen carriers for use in chemical looping. Partial substitution with small amounts of Sr increases both the capacity and...