Principles for institutional change and curriculum design to welcome refugee ...
This document synthesises principles to support institutions in designing curricula and creating resilient structures to welcome refugee students in Higher Education, based on... -
Erfolgreich studieren (Estud) Studying successfully
Mit der Studie Erfolgreich Studieren (Estud) wurden Studierende 2016 deutschlandweit zu ihrem Erfolg im Studium befragt. Der Fokus der Befragung liegt auf Erklärungsfaktoren von... -
10. Sozialerhebung 10th Social Survey
Die Sozialerhebung ist eine seit 1951 bestehende Untersuchungsreihe zur wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Lage der Studierenden in Deutschland. In drei- bis vierjährigem Abstand... -
Early prediction of university dropouts - a random forest approach
We predict university dropout using random forests based on conditional inference trees and on a broad German data set covering a wide range of aspects of student life and study... -
Marlies Schillings - Phd project data for study 1
Title: A review of educational dialogue strategies to improve academic writing skills. Methods Search strategy: In April 2017, we searched the following online databases: Web... -
Datasets for "The effect of a general versus narrow undergraduate curriculum ...
This dataset contains the metadata of the three datasets used in the research study "The effect of a general versus narrow undergraduate curriculum on graduate specialization:...