An Interview About The History of Kaabu (NCAC_RDD_TAPE_0553A)
Origin of Mandinka at Kaaba-Manding Tiramakang's arrival Indigenous inhabitants Foundation of Payunku How Saane and Maane became separate... -
An Account on Kelefaa Saane (NCAC_RDD_TAPE_0040A)
Kelefaa Saane Kelefaa's battles Alternative names: Kelefa, Sanneh, Jebarte, Jebarteh, Jebateh, Jebate, Sirifo, Sherifo, Sherriffo, Sherrifo, Shirifu, Alieu,... -
An Account on Kaabu And Fode Kabaa (NCAC_RDD_TAPE_0380A)
History of Kaabu Migration of Tiramakang Seven forts in Kansala Fode Kabaa's jihads, especially Sankandi crisis Fode Kabaa vs. Badari with reference to... -
An Interview About The History of Wuli (NCAC_RDD_TAPE_0080A_B)
A and B no audio available; B no data available Side A Early settlers in Wuli The significance of Tiramakang Trawore in the migration of Waali clan to the West... -
An Interview About The History of Kiang (NCAC_RDD_TAPE_0131A)
no Audio available Sankule's migration and settlement in Kwinella Tiramakangs migration from the East Names of rulers of Kaabu Tiramakang's war against... -
An Interview About The History of The Joob Clan in Busuranding (NCAC_RDD_TAPE...
Arrival of the Joob clan in Jurunku Foundatin of Busuranding Foundatin of Jurunku Tiramakang Alternative names: Jobe, Diop, Arfang, Tiramakhang,... -
An Account on Kelefaa Saane (NCAC_RDD_TAPE_0294A)
Kelefa Sanneh was shot and killed by an uncircumcised boy when he arrived to support Mansa Demba in the battle of Bariya. According to the people of Jokadu, it was foretold that... -
An Account on Kelefaa Saane (NCAC_RDD_TAPE_0042A)
Continuation of Kelefaa Saane When Kelefa Sanneh left Badora, he went through Jokadou kingdom heading to Berending in Nuimi Kingdom. The people of Jokadou suspected... -
Griot Songs (NCAC_RDD_TAPE_0350A_B)
Kelefaa Saane Alternative names: Kelefa, Sanneh Published by NCAC - National Digital Archive of The Gambia, initiated by University of Hamburg,... -
Griot Songs (NCAC_RDD_TAPE_0760A)
Ala le ye a ke Tiramakang Alternative names: Tiramakhang, Jobarteh, Jobarteh, Jobateh, Jobate, Falli, Nfallie, Bukari Published by NCAC - National Digital... -
Griot Songs (NCAC_RDD_TAPE_0352A)
Griot Songs Alternative names: Suso, Susso, Buly, Buli, Bully, Conteh, Conteh, Camara Published by NCAC - National Digital Archive of The Gambia, initiated by University... -
An Account on The History of Tiramakang (NCAC_RDD_TAPE_0054B)
Tiramakang Daamansa Wuleng His nephew Kiyang Origin of surnames Alternative names: Tiramakhang, Damansa, Kiang, Konteh, Conteh, Mamadou, Jebarte,... -
An Account on Sunjata And Tiramakang (NCAC_RDD_TAPE_0046A)
Manding History - Sunjata Keita Bamba Suuso's and Amadu Bansang Joobaate's families Origination of the Kora Sunjata's early life Tiramakang... -
An Account on The History of Kaabu (NCAC_RDD_TAPE_0275A_B)
The position of a nephew in Kaabu society Niumi Bato and Niumi Banta Agriculture Kabanko The Sonko clan System of social groups... -
Accounts on Alimaame Saamori Tuure, Silatii Ngaleng, Maasaane Siise, Momodu M...
Side A: History of Alimaame Saamori Tuure His early life His attack on Kankang His capture by the Europeans with help of a woman His... -
An Account on Kelefaa Saane (NCAC_RDD_TAPE_0370A_SE2)
Kelefaa Saane Kelefa Sanneh was the son of Kelefa Simbiring Sanneh who died earlier before he was born. His mother Sankan Nanki was a very kind and generous to all.... -
An Account on Fode Kabaa Dumbuyaa (NCAC_RDD_TAPE_0059A_B)
CONTINUATION OF THE HISTORY OF FODAY KABA DUMBUYA Summary When Foday Kaba Dumbuya left Pinyai he attacked Alfa Molloh in Pakau. They fought for a long period and Musa Molloh... -
An Interview About Musa Moolo, Fode Kabaa And Kelefaa Saane (NCAC_RDD_TAPE_00...
Musa Moolo Fode Kabaa Dumbuyaa Niumi Baato Kombo Kelefaa Saane Alternative names: Moussa, Mussa, Mollo, Foday, Kaba, Dumbuya, Kelefa, Sanneh,... -
An Interview About Kelefaa Saane (NCAC_RDD_TAPE_0541A)
Kelefaa Saane Migration from Futa and settlement in Birimbang Relation with Biyayi clan Alternative names: Kelefa, Sanneh, Alhagi, Alhagie, Alhajie, Foday,... -
An Account on Kelefaa Saane And Janke Waali (NCAC_RDD_TAPE_0269A)
Kelefaa Saane Janke Waali Alternative names: Kelefa, Sanneh, Wali, Wally, Susso, Suso, Jebarte, Jebarteh, Jebateh, Jebate, Amadou, Diaye, Ndiaye, N'Diaye, Njie,...