Seasonal variation of isotopic ratio and biochemical content for 22 Mediterra...
This dataset gathers isotopic ratios (δ13C and δ15N), elemental composition (%C and %N) and biochemical content (insoluble and soluble carbohydrates, lipids, protein and ash)... -
Replication Data for: Western-style diet does not negatively affect the healt...
This dataset consists of individual mice subjected to different dietary conditions (lF vs HFS, and ad libitum versus diet restricted), their time of death (either natural or... -
Temporal segregation of biosynthetic processes is responsible for metabolic o...
The ZIP files contain analysis files (Python) for the figures, as well as files for the two used models, i.e. the cell mass model and the FBA model. The analysis is described in... -
Spatiotemporal drivers of hydrochemical ecosystem calcification and organic p...
Long-term coral reef resilience to multiple stressors depends on their ability to maintain positive calcification rates. Estimates of coral ecosystem calcification and organic... -
ITPK1 mediates the lipid-independent synthesis of inositol phosphates control...
These are the raw data used to generate all the figures presented in the manuscript "ITPK1 mediates the lipid-independent synthesis of inositol phosphates controlled by... -
Age and sex differences in the metabolic response to exercise: Pilot study
This dataset describes the results of the pilot study which was conducted between July and October 2022. This pilot study captured the views of participants on the study design...