Body length, dry mass, carbon, nitrogen, lipid, and protein of Euphausia supe...
Data includes samples from station PS69/498-A, PS69/498-B, and PS69/498-C -
Body length, dry mass, carbon, nitrogen, lipid, and protein of Euphausia supe...
Data includes samples from station PS65/609-4, PS65/612-3, PS65/628-7, PS65/615-4, PS65/661-5, PS65/665-5 -
Body length, dry mass, carbon, nitrogen, lipid, and protein of Euphausia supe...
Data includes samples from station PS65/609-4, PS65/612-3, PS65/628-7, PS65/615-4, PS65/661-5, PS65/665-5 -
Body length, dry mass, carbon, nitrogen, lipid, and protein of Euphausia supe...
Data includes samples from station PS65/609-4, PS65/612-3, PS65/628-7, PS65/615-4, PS65/661-5, PS65/665-5 -
Body length, dry mass, carbon, nitrogen, lipid, and protein of Euphausia supe...
Data includes samples from station PS65/609-4, PS65/612-3, PS65/628-7, PS65/615-4, PS65/661-5, PS65/665-5 -
Isotopes, TOC, TN, CaCO3 and accumulation rate of sediment core GeoB4234-1
This dataset has no description
Dissolved nutrients data from the PS122 MOSAiC Expedition carried out at the ...
Samples for the analysis of dissolved nutrients were collected during the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) from the water column,... -
Amino acids and hexosamine in sediment trap samples from different oceanic ar...
This large set of sediment trap samples was collected in different oceanic areas between 1993 and 2017 from shelf seas to the deep ocean. The samples were compiled from previous... -
Amino acids and hexosamines in suspended matter samples collected in differen...
This large set of suspended matter (SPM) samples was collected in different oceanic areas between 1999 and 2017 from shelf seas to the deep ocean. The samples were compiled from... -
Nitrogen fixation may provide a significant yet under quantified source of Ni...
Nitrogen fixation (NFix) is an important yet understudied microbial process in aquatic ecosystems and especially in the Laurentian Great Lakes (LGL). Early work suggested the... -
Vemelho river watershed nutrient (nitroge and phosphorus) fluxes, Upper Panta...
Nutrient balance (nitrogen and phosphorus) data of the Vermelho River watershed. Data are expressed in kg ha-1 yr-1. A shape file is included with the boundary of the 8... -
Biochemistry of Pinna muricata at Island Bone Batang, Spermonde Archipelago, ...
Samples taken at a mean depth of 0.4 m below spring low water -
Biochemistry of Pinna bicolor at Island Bone Batang, Spermonde Archipelago, I...
Samples taken at a mean depth of 0.4 m below spring low water -
Biochemistry of Atrina vexillum at Island Bone Batang, Spermonde Archipelago,...
Samples taken at a mean depth of 0.4 m below spring low water -
Diatom- and biogeochemical composition of the sediment core EN18224-4 from L...
This dataset compiles paleoenvironmental and biogeochemical data from the sediment core EN18224-4, retrieved from Lake Satagay in Nyurbinsky District, Central Yakutia. Included... -
Isotope values of leaf tissues, leaf waxes, and xylem waters across elevation...
Leaves and woody stems as well as soils and surface waters were collected from two elevational gradient transects across the Coastal and Sierra Nevada Mountains of Northern... -
EMSO Ligure Dyfamed mooring sediment traps
Temperature, conductivity and pressure data collected from MOOSE moorings -
Weight percent nitrogen from Bering Sea IODP Site 323-U1342
Here, we present a high-resolution paleo-productivity record of weight percent nitrogen (wt % N) from IODP Expedition 323 Site U1342 (818 m depth) in the Bering Sea from 0-1.2... -
Statistical analysis of bulk nitrogen isotopes from IODP Site 323-U1342
Here, we present the results of a statistical analysis published in Knudson et al., (2021, Science Advances), which investigates nitrogen isotopes from Integrated Ocean Drilling... -
Total nitrogen, total organic carbon, stable nitrogen isotopes, amino acids a...
This set of suspended matter (SPM) samples and water samples were collected in the South China Sea on the cruise of R/V SONNE 269 between August 5th and 31st 2019. The aim of...