Interview data on sustainable supply chain management
The data consists of a series of interviews conducted between 2013 and 2015 with company directors plus trade associations on the topic of sustainable supply chain management.... -
Lifestyle and higher cognitive function in adults 2016
The main aim of this research project was to develop a cross-platform custom app to assess a wide range of higher cognitive processes in adults and to monitor how they change... -
The role of regret in decision making: A developmental study
This data set is comprised of six folders containing eight data files each of which contains data from an experiment (or set of experiments) designed to investigate the role... -
Business decision-making in conditions of constitutional and political uncert...
Data collection of 73 semi-structured interviews with business leaders on their attitudes towards Scottish independence and decision-making under different constitutional... -
The dynamics of deferred decision, experimental data
Decision makers are often unable to choose between the options that they are offered. In these settings they typically defer their decision, that is, delay the decision to a... -
Decision making in environments with non-independent dimensions, experimental...
This paper tests whether the dimensions involved in preferential choice tasks are evaluated independently from one another. Common decision heuristics satisfy dimensional... -
Risky choice in the limelight, experimental data
This paper examines how risk behavior in the limelight differs from that in anonymity. In two separate experiments, we find that subjects are more risk averse in the limelight.... -
Does consultation improve decision-making?
This paper reports an experiment designed to test whether prior consultation within a group affects subsequent individual decision-making in tasks where demonstrability of... -
Eye movements when viewing banknotes experimental data 2015
The data set provides summarised eye movement data form 26 healthy adults obtained during a repetitive banknote authentication task involving genuine and counterfeit banknotes.... -
Attitudes towards tax compliance: Micro businesses 2014-2016
We surveyed a random sample of self-employed taxpayers using an online questionnaire. To find out more about the attitudes of micro businesses towards tax compliance,... -
Do students behave like real taxpayers? Experimental evidence on taxpayer com...
We report on data from a real-effort tax compliance experiment using three subject pools: students, who do not pay income tax; company employees, whose income is reported by a... -
Q methodology studies on human perspectives for biological conservation 1996-...
This database synthesises peer-review articles that use Q methodology (an approach to understand human perspectives in a variety of topics) for research questions in biological... -
Efficient visual information sampling develops late in childhood 2016-2019
The aim of the study was to investigate how the ability to trade off the benefits of visual information against the costs of this information develops during childhood... -
Behavioural and functional magnetic resonance imaging studies: Decision makin...
This data set contains two experimental studies, the studies investigated how perceived information sources would affect readers' decision making about belief and feeling while... -
Estimating Bayesian decision problems with heterogeneous priors 2010-2015
The files included in this project are therefore the US Supreme court data that is obtained from Iaryczower and Shum (2012). It contains the vote of every justice (31 in total)... -
Development of Episodic Future Thinking and Future-oriented Decision Making S...
These data stem from five large studies examining the relation between episodic future thinking and delay of gratification in preschoolers, children, and adolescents. Study 1... -
Bright Futures: Survey of Chinese international students in the UK, Germany a...
This is a cross-national survey of Chinese international students in the UK, Germany and Japan, with comparison groups of domestic students in the UK, Germany, and Japan, as... -
A behavioural economic analysis of reproductive health in Burkina Faso and Ta...
Sexual and reproductive health rights have gained importance over the last three decades. Despite the growing availability of reproductive health services, the uptake of these... -
Understanding Urban Governance Reform in India, 2018-2020
This data collection is comprised of interviews with Smart City stakeholders and actors across four Smart Cities in India as well as a set of interviews with national-level... -
End Line Evaluation of the Project Sister for Sister's Education-II, 2021
Sisters for Sisters' Education II (SfSE-II) project is funded by Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office’s Girls’ Education Challenge Transition Window (GEC T) and builds on...