Elemental content of sediment samples from Hole 302-M0004B
[1] Conglomerate dominated by rhodochrosite; [2] This is an interval with zeolites and tubes, apparently made of Mn and Fe oxides. SQC = sample from squeeze cake; XRD = sample... -
Elemental content of sediment samples from Hole 302-M0004A
[1] Conglomerate dominated by rhodochrosite; [2] This is an interval with zeolites and tubes, apparently made of Mn and Fe oxides. SQC = sample from squeeze cake; XRD = sample... -
Elemental content of sediment samples from Hole 302-M0003A
[1] Conglomerate dominated by rhodochrosite; [2] This is an interval with zeolites and tubes, apparently made of Mn and Fe oxides. SQC = sample from squeeze cake; XRD = sample... -
Elemental content of sediment samples from Hole 302-M0002A
[1] Conglomerate dominated by rhodochrosite; [2] This is an interval with zeolites and tubes, apparently made of Mn and Fe oxides. SQC = sample from squeeze cake; XRD = sample... -
(Table 8.10) Geochemistry in surface sediment during cruise BP02
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XRF-scan (Si, K, Ca, Ti, Mn, Fe, Sr) and 14C-age of sediment core MD96-2094
We present a new index of carbonate fragmentation based on the size distribution of bulk sediments in core MD962094 from Walvis Ridge (SE Atlantic Ocean). The carbonate... -
Chemical composition of bottom sediments from the East Siberian and Chukchi S...
These data can be used only as estimated! -
(Table 1) Chemical composition of interstitial waters from ODP Site 128-798
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(Appendix 2) Redox-sensitive trace-element contents in the Valanginian sample...
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(Table 1) Interstitial water chemistry data for ODP Hole 135-841B
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(Table 1) Interstitial water chemistry data for ODP Hole 135-841A
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Heavy metal contents in bottom sediments off Sechura Bay in January 2007, Peru
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(Table 48) Concentrations of suspended matter and its composition in Black Se...
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Dry bulk density and major element contents in bottom sediments of Core AMK21...
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Electron microprobe data of carbonate fluorapatite pellets from the Phosphate...
This dataset comprises laser ablation ICPMS trace element data of microcrystalline carbonate fluorapatite and individual peloids (phosclasts) of the granular phosphorites from... -
Raw XRF data of piston sediment core Lake850-Core2-2019 from Lake 850, Sweden
Data contains elemental composition (Al, Si, P, S, Ar, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ge, Se, Br, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Mo, Te, Ba, La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Tb, Er, Tm, Yb, Hf,... -
(Table T1) Geochemical composition of dolerites from ODP Leg 180 sites and sa...
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(Table 2b) Dissolved forms of chemical elements in near-bottom waters at Stat...
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(Table 2a) Dissolved forms of chemical elements in near-bottom waters at Stat...
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(Table 1b) Dissolved forms of chemical elements in near-bottom waters and int...
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