Stable carbon and oxygen isotope ratios of benthic foraminifera from ODP Site...
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(Fig. 1) Ice rafted debris and planktic foraminifers of Hole 94-609
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Concentration of the most abundant planktonic foraminifera species collected ...
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Depth profiles of fluorescence, temperature and salinity from the plankton ne...
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δ18O and Mg/Ca thermometry in planktonic foraminifera - links to excel files
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(Supplementary Table 2) Mean δ¹⁸O values for the studied glacial and intergla...
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(Supplementary Table 1) δ¹⁸O values of IODP Hole 339-U1389E and ODP Hole 161-...
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(Table 3b) Raw and corrected stable carbon and oxgen isotopes for Recent samp...
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(Table 3a) Raw and corrected stable carbon and oxgen isotopes for Pliocene se...
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Summer sea surface temperature and export production sediment core MD99-2331
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Summer sea surface temperature and export production sediment core MD99-2339
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Summer sea surface temperature and export production sediment core D11957P
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Stable oxygen and carbon isotope data of Globigerina bulloides and Neogloboqu...
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Planktic foraminifera oxygen isotope ratios and Mg/Ca ratios and associated c...
Multi-species planktonic foraminifera oxygen isotope ratios (measured on a Finnigan MAT 253) and Mg/Ca ratios (measured on a Perkin Elmer Optima 4200DV ICP-AES) and associated... -
Clipperton Atoll replicated coral Sr/Ca-SST and reconstructed δ¹⁸O of seawate...
Sub-seasonally resolved and replicated coral Sr/Ca time series at Clipperton Atoll (10°18'N, 109°13'W) in the eastern Pacific are assessed as a sea surface temperature (SST)... -
Annually-resolved coral-based d11B-pH reconstruction for the past 323 years f...
Increasing atmospheric CO2 from man-made climate change is reducing surface ocean pH. Due to limited instrumental measurements and historical pH records in the world's oceans,... -
Coral derived δ¹⁸Oseawater data from Tonga, core TH1
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Calculated values for the isotopic composition of evaporation and the kinetic...
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Stable isotopes and reconstructed past seafloor CaCO3 concentrations in sedim...
Johnstone et al., 2014 age model:The most recent radiocarbon date (0 to 1cm in the core) gave an age older than the sample at 30-21cm, indicating a disturbance in the upper 20... -
(Table 2) Stable isotope and Mg/Ca ratios of a sediment core from intermediat...
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