Harpacticoida from a scientific cruise of the R. "Akademik" in the western pa...
Data on Harpacticoida from field survey during a scientific cruise of RV "Akademik" (Institute Oceanology, BAS) in the western part of the Black Sea in September - October 2003. -
Harpacticoid copepod community structure in the Western Scheldt and Ems-Dolla...
Data on biotic parameters of harpacticoid copepods and abiotic parameters related to pollution for samples taken between 1976 and 1980 in the Westerschelde-and Eems-Dollard... -
Meiobenthos and nematodes from the continental shelf of the Laptev Sea
Meiobenthic communities along a depth gradient in the Laptev Sea were sampled in order to identify densities and community compositions. Special attention was paid to the... -
The meiobenthos of the Southern Bight of the North Sea
This dataset, compiled in the framework of a Msc thesis, contains information on the meiobenthic communities of six different stations in the Southern Bight of the North Sea,... -
Diversity of meiobenthos in tropical seagrass beds of Gazi Bay (Kenya) sample...
Meiobenthic composition and densities near five seagrasses (<i>Halodule wrightii</i>, <i>Halophila ovalis</i>, <i>Thalassia hemprichii</i>,...