Watigueleya Kèlê Socio-Economic and Climate Resilience Survey in Marginalised...
This data collection was produced based on a household and an individual survey of socio-economic status and climate resilience in ten villages of Guinea, Mali and Senegal... -
Migration for Inclusive African Growth, 2020-2021
The data comprises two forms of data collected across four African countries; Ghana, Nigeria, Mozambique and Kenya. These were: • The results of a business survey administered... -
Ethnic Inequalities in Cultural Production, 2018-2020
Examining institutions in the cultural sector (particularly in the TV industry), this project sought to ask the following questions: • What is the nature of ethnic minority... -
Migrant Children in a Transforming Europe Survey Data, 2020-2021
The Migrant Children in a Transforming Europe Survey Data (MiCREATE) project sought to understand the experiences of migrant children from a child-centred perspective.... -
High Energy Consumers, the Excess Project: Qualitative Data, 2018-2023
This data collection includes a User Guide and the anonymised transcripts of 30 semi-structured interviews of #60-90 minutes each, with 31 high household energy consumers, about... -
Metadata for Imagining Wellness: Helping Students to Connect, Create and Coll...
Imagining Wellness supports students to access different literary, historical and visual texts that dealt with mental health in a variety of different ways in order to discover... -
Asylum Seekers and Refugees' Negotiations of the COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-2022
This project collected data about how organisations working with or for asylum seekers and refugees responded to the COVID-19 pandemic. This project explored the needs of...