Wind field measurements over an forested escarpment by UAS at the Swabian Alb...
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Wind field measurements over an forested escarpment by UAS at the Swabian Alb...
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Wind field measurements over an forested escarpment by UAS at the Swabian Alb...
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Wind field measurements over an forested escarpment by UAS at the Swabian Alb...
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Wind field measurements over an forested escarpment by UAS at the Swabian Alb...
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Wind field measurements over an forested escarpment by UAS at the Swabian Alb...
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Wind field measurements over an forested escarpment by UAS at the Swabian Alb...
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Wind field measurements over an forested escarpment by UAS at the Swabian Alb...
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Wind field measurements over an forested escarpment by UAS at the Swabian Alb...
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Wind field measurements over an forested escarpment by UAS at the Swabian Alb...
This dataset has no description
Wind field measurements over an forested escarpment by UAS at the Swabian Alb...
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Wind field measurements over an forested escarpment by UAS at the Swabian Alb...
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Standard meteorology Pressure, Temperature, Humidity, Radiation fluxes and So...
The data set "_basic" contains level1 meteorological standard variables of the eddy-covariance station in Birkholz (Rietz-Neuendorf) during FESSTVaL 2021 from May to... -
Weather data from Gili Air, Indonesia, between Dec 2019 and June 2020
Measured weather data on Gili Air, Indonesia was collected between March and June 2020. Rain, windspeed, direction of wind, temperature and air pressure were recorded. The data... -
COAWST model output for 10 typical, maximum and minimum representative years ...
COAWST model output for 10 typical, maximum and minimum representative years for Madeira and Porto Santo Islands wind studies. Variables included at @ 100m are wind velocity,... -
Hourly weather data from 2001 to 2010 and from 2013 to 2019 recorded in a Fre...
This dataset contains daily weather data from 2001 to 2010 and from 2013 to 2019 recorded in a French orchard in the Hauts d'Anjou (Loire Valley), and more precisely on the "La... -
Doppler wind lidar wind and gust data from FESSTVaL 2019/2020, Falkenberg, da...
This data set contains level 1 and level 2 Doppler wind lidar measurements during 2019-08-15 and 2020-08-31 from different configurations and three different instruments (Halo... -
FESSTVaL Falkenberg Doppler lidar 30 minutes mean wind and turbulence profiles
This data set contains profiles of estimates for wind and turbulence variables derived from Doppler lidar measurements at the GM Falkenberg boundary layer field site during the... -
Time series of meteorological station data in the EarthShape study areas of i...
The DFG Priority Program 1803 "EarthShape - Earth Surface Shaping by Biota” (www.earthshape.net, short description of the project below) installed a meteorological station... -
Probing adduct radicals in graphite
Graphite has been the first material ever studied by µSR, but a comprehensive scheme to understand its behaviour still lacks. In particular it is not properly known if and how...