Quasielastic Neutron scattering Study of Water dynamics in Hydrated Cellulose...
The separation membrane is a key component in Polymer electrolyte fuel cells. It must be both an ionic conductor and an electronic insulator. Cellulose nanofibrill membranes... -
Cryopreservation of liver cell spheroids used in artificial liver bio-transpl...
The development of new cryopreservation strategies has major potential in medicine, in particular for storage of biological matter. The detailed characteristics of the cooling... -
Dynamic transition of Poly(ethylene glycol) with or without the solvation water
Water is the source of life, but the effects of hydration water on the dynamics and function of biological and bio-compatible macromolecules are still full of debates. Chen et... -
Cation reorientation dynamics in a metal formate perovskite
Hybrid metal-organic perovskites are promising functional materials, but the complex interactions between organic cations and the framework surrounding them are difficult to... -
Alkali metal anions in solution Ion pairing and aggregation as a survival s...
Alkali metals are soluble in organic media when a macrocyclic complexing agent is used in order to drive the dissolution process by formation of complexed metal cations and... -
Spin excitations in RbFe2F6 and CsFe2F6 A possible S=5/2 Kagome lattice?
Geometrically frustrated spin systems are important owing to the fact that the geometry often suppresses conventional mean field ground states in favor of more unconventional... -
Diffusive character of hydration water on protein surface by examining perdue...
Water is crucial for the functioning of proteins. There has been substantial work to study the effect of water on protein dynamics, structure and function. However, how protein... -
Hydrogen dynamics in a series of metal borohydride ammonia inclusion compound...
The proposed quasi elastic neutron scattering experiment at ISIS aims at the characterization of the dynamical properties of the series of coordination complexes Pr(BH4)3·nNH3,... -
Hydrogen Diffusion in the Reactive Carbon Overlayer on a Fischer-Tropsch Cata...
Fischer-Tropsch (FT) catalysts offer a route to the production of fuels and chemicals from synthesis gas, which has a number of sources. This reaction is likely to play a key... -
Structural studies of the cycling and decomposition of Mg(NH3)6(BH4)2
Given its high hydrogen gravimetric density, ammonia may be utilised as a hydrogen carrier, and thus ammonia stores are an area of interest. It is known that Mg(BH4)2 takes up... -
Dynamics of Disorder in Relaxor-like Ferroelectric AB(HCO2)3 Frameworks
Relaxor ferroelectics are of significant interest for use as piezoelectric actuators in sensing applications and for high precision mechanical stages. Relaxors are traditionally... -
Origin of quasielastic scattering in HoCrO3
We investigated nuclear spin excitations in the multiferroic HoCrO3 on the BASIS spectrometer of SNS, Oak Ridge. We found low energy excitations arising from hyperfine... -
Separation of factors contributing to the overall diffusion behaviour of olef...
This proposal examines the diffusion behaviour of olefin hydrocarbons adsorbed in microporous zeolite catalysts. It builds on a previous study which has shown that simulated... -
Normal-to-malignant transformation in human cells, still an ill-understood process, is intimately related to their biomechanical properties, which are strongly dependent on the... -
Exploring cation dynamics in a hybrid Prussian blue analogue
Many hybrid Prussian blue analogues show exploitable electric behaviour, such as piezo-, pyro-, or ferroelectricity or dielectric switching. We have previously characterised one... -
Studying dynamics of water on graphene by quasi-elastic neutron scattering
Graphene-based materials have unique structural and physiochemical properties, and have been exhibited as efficient working substances to filter salts in saline water.... -
Decoupling effect between protein and water
Water plays a critical role in life. A hydration level, h ~ 0.2 g water/g protein, is found to be the minimum for the dynamical transition in protein at Td ~ 200 K. This... -
Micropore Collapse in Bulk Amorphous Solid Water
We propose to study the influence of deposition rates and annealing effects on microporous amorphous solid water samples (ASW) using NIMROD. The data will allow us to monitor... -
The high-pressure structures of carbon dioxide hydrate
The gas hydrates offer potential as hydrogen and carbon dioxide storage materials for use either in transport applications or for carbon sequestration. We have discovered a... -
KCN in CCR at RT in 8mm V can 12Wx34H chop:19302,0off,19393
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