Structural origin of anomalous relaxation behaviour in alcohol-water mixtures
In recent dielectric and calorimetric studies of some alcohol-water mixtures we have discovered unexpected and unexplained relaxation behaviours. Our aim with this proposal is... -
Ruddlesden Popper Ca2MnO4 - a Material Exhibiting a New Type of Negative Ther...
The Ruddlesden-Popper (RP) compounds An+1BnO3n+1 exhibit a broad range of technologically interesting properties such as high-Tc superconductivity, colossal magnetoresistance,... -
In-situ Neutron Diffraction Studies of Lithium Battery Materials
This proposal seeks to test a new battery designed to allow in situ neutron diffraction measurements of lithium ion battery electrodes under charge and discharge. We have... -
Investigating the INVAR behaviour of Pd3Fe
INVAR behaviour is the property of having zero thermal expansion over a given temperature range; something very important for certain engineering applications, and very... -
Structure of AOT layers at the sapphire water interface ¿ avoiding an isotope...
Several interesting results have emerged in studies of Aerosol-OT at the sapphire/solution interface that relate to effects of counter-ions, insensitivity to pH as well as the... -
In situ studies of mixed-phase oxygen transport membranes
The oxygen transport membrane is a system being developed by St Andrews in conjunction with industry, which at high temperatures will allow the selective migration of oxygen... -
A deeper insight into the structural dynamics of MgCl2 materials for catalyti...
In our previous experiment (1810419), we have demonstrated that INS spectra of MgCl2-based samples can be successfully recorded at TOSCA Instrument, even in absence of hydrogen... -
Interlayer and Interparticle Water in Clays
Clay barriers are routinely used in nuclear waste repositories to isolate radionuclides from the biosphere. Such barriers have to be carefully designed to remain effective for... -
Structure Solution of the High-Pressure Polymorphs of Hydroxylamine
This proposal requests the allocation of six days beamtime on PEARL to collect neutron powder diffraction data suitable for the structure solution of phases II and III of... -
Influence of the electric dipole moment of gas molecules on the gate-opening ...
The aim of this proposal is to study the condensation transitions of polar gas molecules in nanoporous flexible materials by means of wide Q-range neutron diffraction. An... -
Thermal expansion of recovered high-pressure ice polymorphs
The ambient-pressure phase of ice is a well-known example of a molecular solid that exhibits negative volume thermal expansion below 60 K. In a recent study carried out on HRPD... -
Crystal structure analysis for the new metal-organic framework as a hydrogen ...
New metal organic framework (MOF); C12H12CuN2O4 as a hydrogen storage material has found, and it absorb 2.6 wt% hydrogen at 70 bar. Surprisingly, the absorption curve is still... -
Large scale structure size determination in graphene oxide nanocomposites
Nanocomposites are prevalent in many industrial applications. The use of graphene in inexpensive materials such as polymers can have significant modifications to the polymer... -
Pd, Ni, V, Nb and Ti capping layer clamping effects in hydrogen cycling in Ca...
We ask for 8 days of beam time on CRISP to study the absorption and desorption of hydrogen and deuterium in Ti/Mg/Pd trilayer samples. Our specific objective is to understand in... -
Equation of state and phase transitions of the cubic NTE material Cd(CN)2 - c...
Cubic cadmium(II) cyanide shows the most pronounced isotropic negative thermal expansion (NTE) effect known, with behaviour more than twice as extreme as that of better known... -
In-situ thermoelectric measurements of copper chalcogenides
Thermoelectric devices are capable of converting thermal energy directly into electrical energy. The efficiency of a device is related to the characteristics of the materials of... -
High Temperature Micromechanics Ni-based Superalloys: Creep, Stress Relaxatio...
In this study, in-situ high-temperature loading investigations will be performed to characterise the micromechanics of a high strength alloy 720Li, during stress relaxation in... -
More realistic models of the bacterial outer membrane
Current model systems employed in structural studies of bacterial outer membranes rarely mimic the lipid composition accurately. This work is aimed at producing outer membrane... -
Proton diffusion in lithium imide: a quasi-elastic neutron scattering study
Li_2NH has been recently considered for H_2 storage applications. However, its low-T crystal structure is still controversial, with at least 6 options compatible with the... -
Hydrogen in the breeding blanket materials for fusion reactors: A new insight...
Pb-Li alloy (Li 15.7-16.7at.%) is a candidate as tritium breeding blanket material for fusion reactors. Despite the extensive work reported in literature, the values of the...