Physical oceanography and current meter data from mooring FEVI6 at Hausgarten...
Gear ID 1: RCM9/11, SN 323 -
Epibenthic foraminiferal δ¹³C in the Recent deep Arctic Ocean
Low planktic and benthic d18O and d13C values in sediments from the Nordic seas of cold stadials of the last glaciation have been attributed to brines, formed similar to modern... -
Bacterial abundance and biomass of surface sediments at AWI-HAUSGARTEN sample...
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(Table 2) Megafauna density 2002, 2004 and 2007 in the deep-sea observatory A...
Although megafaunal organisms play an important role in deep benthic ecosystems and contribute significantly to benthic biomass in the Arctic little is known about their... -
Optode oxygen measurements and physical oceanography of near bottom waters at...
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Physical oceanography during POLARSTERN cruise ARK-XX/1
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Inorganic nutrients measured on water bottle samples during POLARSTERN cruise...
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Profile of sediment echo sounding during POLARSTERN cruise ARK-XX/1 with link...
File format description see: Data Acquisition of ATLAS PARASTORE, Atlas Hydrographic (2007), Operator Manual ATLAS PARASTORE, Doc. Id.: ED 6006 G 212:/Version: 4.0/Edition:... -
Dissolved oxygen content in the bottom water at HAUSGARTEN during the Polarst...
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Continuous thermosalinograph oceanography along POLARSTERN cruise track ARK-XX/1
Version 2, 2016-10-20 -
Sea-bed photographs (benthos) from the AWI-Hausgarten area along OFOS profile...
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Sea-bed photographs (benthos) from the AWI-Hausgarten area along OFOS profile...
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Sea-bed photographs (benthos) from the AWI-Hausgarten area along OFOS profile...
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Sea-bed photographs (benthos) from the AWI-Hausgarten area along OFOS profile...
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Sea-bed photographs (benthos) from the AWI-Hausgarten area along OFOS profile...
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Biochemical investigation of multicorer sediment profile PS66/127-2
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Biochemical investigation of multicorer sediment profile PS66/126-2
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Biochemical investigation of multicorer sediment profile PS66/125-2
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Biochemical investigation of multicorer sediment profile PS66/124-2
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Biochemical investigation of multicorer sediment profile PS66/122-2
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