(Table T2) Diatom abundance in ODP Hole 188-1165B sediments
Sediment depth is given in mbsf. Abundance estimate as follows: A = abundant, C = common, F = few, R = rare, Tr = trace, - = not found. Abundance letter followed by 'r' = out of... -
(Table A7) Diatom abundance in sediment core MR99-04-2PC
Total count of 200 specimens per sample. -
(Table A6) Diatom abundance in sediment core MR00-05-2PC
Total count of 200 specimens per sample. <1 = present. -
(Table A5) Diatom abundance in sediment core MR97-04-1MUC
Total count of 200 specimens per sample. -
(Table A3) Diatom abundance in sediment core MR99-04-3
Total count of 200 specimens per sample. The first two samples of the core (0.053 and 0.103 mcd) are from pilot core. -
(Table A2) Diatom abundance in sediment core MR02-03-2
Total count of 200 specimens per sample. -
(Table A1) Diatom abundance in sediment core MD01-2421
Total count of 200 specimens per sample. -
(Table T2) Diatom biostratigraphy of ODP Hole 204-1252A
Sediment depth is given in mbsf. <1 = species found as a fragment or after a routine count. -
(Table T1) Diatom biostratigraphy of ODP Site 204-1251
Sediment depth is given in mbsf. <1 = species found as a fragment or after a routine count. -
(Table 2) Occurrence of selected diatom species in ODP Site 105-646A
species abundance: A = abundant, C = common, F = few, R = rare, - = absent -
(Table 4) Miocene-Pleistocene diatom biostratigraphy of ODP Hole 120-747A
R = rare ( one specimen of a particular species encountered in 5-20 fields of view using a 40X objective and 10X ocular), F = frequent (one specimen in every 5 fields), C =... -
(Table 5) Occurrence chart of Paleogene diatom species in DSDP holes 23-219 a...
species abundance: S = singel (<0.1%), R = rare (0.1%-1.0%), F = frequent (1%-10%), C = common (10%-30%), A = abundant (30%-50%), D = dominant (>50%), - = absent -
(Table 5) Occurrence chart of Paleogene diatom species in ODP Hole 115-714A
species abundance: S = singel (<0.1%), R = rare (0.1%-1.0%), F = frequent (1%-10%), C = common (10%-30%), A = abundant (30%-50%), D = dominant (>50%), - = absent -
(Table 5) Occurrence chart of Paleogene diatom species in ODP Hole 115-713A
species abundance: S = singel (<0.1%), R = rare (0.1%-1.0%), F = frequent (1%-10%), C = common (10%-30%), A = abundant (30%-50%), D = dominant (>50%), - = absent -
(Table 4) Occurrence chart of Paleogene diatom species in ODP Hole 115-711A
species abundance: S = singel (<0.1%), R = rare (0.1%-1.0%), F = frequent (1%-10%), C = common (10%-30%), A = abundant (30%-50%), D = dominant (>50%), - = absent -
(Table 4) Occurrence chart of Paleogene diatom species in ODP Hole 115-710A
species abundance: S = singel (<0.1%), R = rare (0.1%-1.0%), F = frequent (1%-10%), C = common (10%-30%), A = abundant (30%-50%), D = dominant (>50%), - = absent -
(Table 4) Occurrence chart of Paleogene diatom species in ODP Hole 115-709C
species abundance: S = singel (<0.1%), R = rare (0.1%-1.0%), F = frequent (1%-10%), C = common (10%-30%), A = abundant (30%-50%), D = dominant (>50%), - = absent -
(Table 3) Occurrence chart of Paleogene diatom species in ODP Site 115-707
species abundance: S = singel (<0.1%), R = rare (0.1%-1.0%), F = frequent (1%-10%), C = common (10%-30%), A = abundant (30%-50%), D = dominant (>50%), - = absent -
(Table 3) Occurrence chart of Paleogene diatom species in ODP Hole 115-708A
species abundance: S = singel (<0.1%), R = rare (0.1%-1.0%), F = frequent (1%-10%), C = common (10%-30%), A = abundant (30%-50%), D = dominant (>50%), - = absent -
(Table 3) Occurrence chart of Paleogene diatom species in ODP Hole 115-706B
species abundance: S = singel (<0.1%), R = rare (0.1%-1.0%), F = frequent (1%-10%), C = common (10%-30%), A = abundant (30%-50%), D = dominant (>50%), - = absent