Muonium in rare-earth sesquioxides
We propose to characterize the basic muonium/hydrogen configurations in selected rare-earth sesquioxides with the basic crystallographic structures: neodymium oxide (hexagonal A... -
An ALC study of the organic ferroelectrics TTF-CA and TTF-BA (continuation)
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Repolarization of Radicals in Liquids
The recovery of the muon polarization in a longitudinal magnetic field has been used to obtain the muon hfcs of organic radicals. In pure benzene there is a single step in the... -
Searching for the weak ferromagnetism in cobalt and manganese doped TiO2
Diluted magnetic semiconductors offer the possibility of adding the spin degree of freedom to the electrical and optical semiconducting devices that underpin modern technology.... -
Interaction of muonium centres and excess carriers in highly injected silicon
We have developed a method to measure carrier recombination lifetime in crystalline silicon with the photo-muSR technique. The key of the method is to measure the dependence of... -
A Study of AuMu^+ Final States by Dia RF Resonance
Small-sized metal nanoparticles (NPs) are of long standing interest to both magnetism and heterogeneous catalysis. Recent muSR studies of Au NPs encapsulated in mesoporous... -
RF-muSR in the gas phase: the muoniated ethyl radical
Radio-frequency muon spin resonance is an exceptional technique for studying free radicals, but it has not been applied to study radicals in the gas phase. In a previous... -
Probing the products of free radical reactions in ionic liquids
Many room temperature ionic liquids (salts with melting points near room temperature that hereafter will be referred to as ionic liquids) are ¿green solvents¿ for chemical... -
Set up HELIOC Fly-Path
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High Temperature μSR Study of Green Dioptase: Muon or Proton Diffusion?
Green dioptase is a naturally occurring mineral, that has a deep green colour, similar to that of an emerald, and with a chemical formula of CuSiO3.H2O. The Cu lies in quasi-1D... -
Spin Rotation Experiments at a Pulsed Muon Source using Broadband RF Pulses
In this proposal we wish to explore how the RF-MuSR technique might be developed for measurements akin to FT-NMR. Our work will focus on the broadband excitation of paramagnetic... -
Characterisation of Muons in Dielectric samples
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ALC spectroscopy of the molecule BEDT-TTF and some of its salts
The electron donor molecule BEDT-TTF (ET) provides a versatile building block for constructing molecular metals, superconductors, magnets and quantum spin liquids. A common... -
Quantum magnetism of the low-dimensional copper carbodiimide CuNCN
Our proposal aims at microscopic investigation of magnetism of the novel copper-based low-dimensional spin system CuNCN, the first compound with a pure nitride environment of... -
Non-collinear Order and Spin Fluctuations in Chiral Cyanide-bridged Molecular...
A series of cyanide-bridged molecular magnets incorporating chiral ligands will be invstigated using muon spin relaxation. The magnets combine Ni(II) with M(III) (M=Fe,Cr,Co).... -
Mixed micelles of nonionic and metallosurfactants (P123/CTAF) as porogens of ...
Non-ionic/metallosurfactant (P123/CTAF) mixed micelles are used as templates for the hydrothermal synthesis of mesoporous ferrisilicate materials. It was hypothesized that... -
Muonium in cubic stabilized zirconia
This proposal is part of a long-range program aiming at determining the stable charge-stateconfigurations, site and impurity energy levels (donor and/or acceptor) of hydrogen in... -
Muonium in widegap oxides
This proposal is part of a long-range program aiming at determining the stable charge-state configurations, site and impurity energy levels (donor and/or acceptor) of hydrogen... -
Searching for magnetic ordering in the S=1/2 quasi-one-dimensional chain magn...
Muon spin relaxation is a remarkably powerful tool for discovering magnetic order in quasi-one-dimensional magnetic chain compounds, particularly when the weak interchain... -
A Unique Method of Measuring Antioxidant Capacity
In a previous experiment (RB910492) we have made preliminary measurements of the rates of addition of muonium to vitamins C and E, as suggested by the ISIS panel. These rates...