139 datasets found

Keywords: In Situ Land based Platforms GEOPHYSICAL STATIONS NETWORKS

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  • BEAR ISLAND: DEPAS ocean-bottom seismometer operations in the Fram Strait in ...

    BEAR ISLAND (The Dynamic Continental Margin Between the Mid-Atlantic-Ridge System (Mohns Ridge, Knipovich Ridge) and the Bear Island Region) is an interdisciplinary project...
  • Southwest Indian Ridge Earthquakes and Hydrothermal Plumes (SWEAP)

    Project SWEAP (Southwest Indian Ridge Earthquakes and Plumes), a collaborative effort led by the Alfred-Wegener-Institute, installed a network of 10 broad-band ocean bottom...
  • Archimedes

    This dataset includes five stations of an Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS) experiment conducted at the southern end of the Fonualei Rift and Spreading Center in the Lau Basin,...

    The TOMO-ETNA experiment was focused on the base of generation and acquisition of seismic signal (active and passive) at Mt. Etna volcano and surrounding area. The terrestrial...
  • DEEPEN, Western DAS Branch

    From June to August 2021 the DEEPEN project deployed a dense seismic network across the Hengill geothermal area in southwest Iceland to image and characterize faults and...
  • MAGIC (Magma Iceland)

    In January 2020, a swarm of earthquakes started under Thorbjorn volcano, Reykjanes, SW Iceland, associated to the uplift of up to 0.5 cm per day. Concern in Iceland was growing...
  • Fibre-optic distributed acoustic sensing, seismological and infrasonic data s...

    Understanding physical processes prior and during eruptions remains challenging, due to uncertainties about subsurface structures and undetected processes within the volcano....
  • Temporary DAS Deployment associated with the DEEPEN project in the Hengill re...

    From June to August 2021 the DEEPEN project deployed a dense seismic nodal network across the Hengill geothermal area in southwest Iceland to image and characterize faults and...
  • RHUM-RUM Seychelles

    RHUM-RHUM is a seismic experiment to study the deep structure of the Reunion plume. La Reunion is one of the most promising locations for a deep whole-mantle plume. Waveform...
  • 1 week seismological huddle test using 5 rotational sensors and 3 seismometer...

    We provide seismological data from a huddle test in Fürstenfeldbruck in August 2019 that was realized by University of Potsdam (PI: Eva Eibl) in collaboration with BGR (PI:...
  • Klyuchevskoy volcanic group experiment (KISS)

    The KISS network was installed in the frame of the "Klyuchevskoy Investigation - Seismic Structure of an extraordinary volcanic system" project and recorded data between summer...
  • Namibia

    Durchleuchtung der Litosphäre und des oberen Mantels mit Hilfe aktiver und passiver Seismologie (hier nur passiver Teil). Receiver Funktionen und SKS-Anisotropie Methoden sollen...
  • The GEYER seismic network

    A network of 400 continuously running, digital, short-period seismic stations was deployed for a time period of approximately 2 weeks in an area of ~1 x 1.7 km in the Geyer...
  • Landscape Response to the Mw7.9 Gorkha Earthquake

    Strong earthquakes cause transient perturbations of the near Earth’s surface system. These include the widespread landsliding and subsequent mass movement and the loading of...
  • INDEPTH IV passive

    As part of the INDEPTH IV passive-source experiment from May 2007 until October 2008, 50 broadband seismographs (35 from GIPP, Germany and 15 from SEIS-UK) were deployed along...
  • Extended Pollino Seismic Experiment, 2014-2015, GFZ Potsdam (FEFI, Pompei, NE...

    The temporary Extended Pollino Seismic Experiment (FDSN network code Y4) monitored the earthquake swarm in the Pollino Range region, Italy, between September 2014 and April...
  • Anillo

    The Anillo is a dense temporary seismic and geodetic network extending approximately 200 km along the strike of the subduction zone in North Chile in order to investigate how...

    We installed two seismological broadband arrays on the volcanic oceanic island of Madeira and in western Portugal on continental crust for a comparison and combination with a...
  • DARE: Dense ARray for seismic site effect Estimation

    The project DARE proposes an integrated study of seismic site effects on the deep and elongated Messinian Rhône Canyon (French Rhône Valley). Lithological information from...
  • Taskforce Tocopilla 2007

    After the November 14, 2007 M7.7 Tocopilla earthquake in northern Chile, a local seismic network was installed in the rupture area between approximately Tocopilla and...
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