Raw EK80 echosounder narrowband data collected during RV Meteor cruise 'Asses...
These data consist of both underway and station-based echosounder observations collected during the 2022 M185 (Assessing Oceanic Impacts on Arrival and Transport of European Eel... -
Fish and invertebrate trawl sampling south of Iceland and in southern Irminge...
This data set has trawl catch weight and biological measurements from the 2nd leg of the Icelandic part of the International Ecosystem Summer Survey in Nordic Seas (IESSNS)... -
Downward particle fluxes measured in neutrally buoyant PELAGRA sediment traps...
This dataset has no description
Major Inorganic and Selected Organic Ions in Total Suspended Aerosol Particle...
During the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) expedition, ambient total suspended aerosol particles were collected on polycarbonate... -
Shallow seismicity and the classification of structures in the Lau back-arc b...
We compared Centroid Moment Tensors (CMTs), calculated for large (Mw >5), shallow (<30 km) seismic events to the orientations of seafloor lineaments (n = 4000) mapped... -
Geophysical profiles during METEOR cruise M94
This dataset has no description
Number of germinated individuals that originated from protoplasts from Ulva l...
This dataset presents the number of germinated individuals that originated from protoplasts from Ulva lacinulata and Ulva compressa. The individuals are separated into different... -
Diameter of the larger green cells found in the thalli of Ulva lacinulata and...
This dataset presents the diameter of the larger green cells found in the thalli of Ulva lacinulata and Ulva compressa that became protoplasts after being released to the water. -
Fresh weight of Ulva lacinulata's biomass during the degradation experiment
This dataset presents the fresh weight of U. lacinulata's biomass during the degradation experiment. This allowed the calculation of relative growth rates (RGR). -
Number of protoplasts collected during the degradation experiment with Ulva l...
This dataset presents the number of protoplasts collected during the degradation experiment with Ulva lacinulata and Ulva compressa. This allowed the calculation of protoplast... -
Diameter of the discs grown from protoplasts of Ulva lacinulata at the end of...
This dataset presents the diameter of the discs grown from protoplasts of Ulva lacinulata at the end of the germination experiment. -
Abundance of mesopelagic decapods collected at different layers of the water ...
The dataset presents the number of mesopelagic Decapoda collected during the CSIC-SUMMER survey carried out in October 2010 in five zones around the Iberian Peninsula: south of... -
The effect of light intensity versus light dose on the antioxidant activity o...
The genus Ulva, described as a good source of antioxidants known for its antibacterial properties and associated with the capacity to adapt to different environments and high... -
Stable isotope signatures of Southern Rock Lobster (Jasus edwardsii) followin...
Details of individual southern rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii) samples and their respective delta carbon-13 (δC13) and delta nitrogen-15 (δN15) values from a captive feeding... -
Lagrangian thinning rates at 79°N Glacier between 2017 and 2018
Estimated Lagrangian thinning rates from phase-sensitive radar (pRES) measurements at 41 locations at 79°N Glacier (Nioghalvfjerdsfjorden Glacier) in northeast Greenland between... -
Syngnathus rostellatus in the Sylt Rømø bight in 2011, Version 2
Due to changing temperature regimes in the North- and the Wadden Sea, a fish survey in the Sylt Rømø bight (SRB) was established in 2007 for at least ten years. The aim is to... -
Ammodytes tobianus in the Sylt Rømø bight in 2011, Version 2
Due to changing temperature regimes in the North- and the Wadden Sea, a fish survey in the Sylt Rømø bight (SRB) was established in 2007 for at least ten years. The aim is to... -
Zoarces viviparus in the Sylt Rømø bight in 2021
Due to changing temperature regimes in the North- and the Wadden Sea, a fish survey in the Sylt Rømø bight (SRB) was established in 2007 for at least ten years. The aim is to... -
Syngnathus rostellatus in the Sylt Rømø bight in 2021
Due to changing temperature regimes in the North- and the Wadden Sea, a fish survey in the Sylt Rømø bight (SRB) was established in 2007 for at least ten years. The aim is to... -
Sprattus sprattus in the Sylt Rømø bight in 2021
Due to changing temperature regimes in the North- and the Wadden Sea, a fish survey in the Sylt Rømø bight (SRB) was established in 2007 for at least ten years. The aim is to...