Percentage of pollen and spores in core STP18-03 (Miryang region, Korean peni...
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Pollen and spores count in core STP18-03 (Miryang region, Korean peninsula)
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Absolute counts of pollen from the clay sample from the mud coffin BM28, Xiao...
Pollen and non-pollen palynomorph analysis on the sediment core XBWu-46 was done by Dieter Demske. -
Pollen density in sediment cores from St. Louis River and Lake Superior, Minn...
Pollen density is measured per dry weight of sediment.TRSHR - Trees & shrubs groupUPHRB - Upland herbs groupWETEM - Wetland emergents groupAQUAT - Aquatics groupPTERI -... -
Relative abundance of pollen in sediment cores from St. Louis River and Lake ...
TRSHR - Trees & shrubs groupUPHRB - Upland herbs groupWETEM - Wetland emergents groupAQUAT - Aquatics groupPTERI - Pteridophytes groupSPORE - Spore group -
Supplemental table S1: Absolute counts of surface pollen samples collected ac...
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Pollen proportions for TS III samples, Tso Moriri
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Pollen proportions for TS V samples, Lake Kushu
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Pollen proportions for TS II samples, Lake Kotokel
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Absolute pollen counts for TS III samples, Tso Moriri
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Absolute pollen counts for TS V samples, Lake Kushu
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Absolute pollen counts for TS II samples, Lake Kotokel
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(Appendix 1) Pollen and spores abundance in surface sediment of Liaodong Bay ...
A minimum of 200 pollen grains (excluding spores) were counted for each sample. All of the pollen percentages (i.e. relative abundances) were calculated on the basis of the... -
(Appendix 1) Pollen and spores percentage in surface sediment of Liaodong Bay...
A minimum of 200 pollen grains (excluding spores) were counted for each sample. All of the pollen percentages (i.e. relative abundances) were calculated on the basis of the... -
Pollen and spores record of sediment core ETO12_2-3
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Modern pollen data from moss and lichen polsters from the Canadian Arctic (19...
1 = pollen samples were only scanned and the presence of pollen noted (= present) -
Modern pollen data from Tauber and Tuffy samplers from the Canadian Arctic (1...
1 = pollen samples were only scanned and the presence of pollen noted (= present) -
Pollen diagram of the last glacial period at Lake Van, Eastern Anatolian high...
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(Fig. 3) Pollen profile of the last interglacial period at Lake Van, eastern ...
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Pollen record of profile Gabelsee
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