Particle dispersions in ODS Nano-Structured Ferritic Alloys
Oxide-dispersion-strengthened (ODS) materials are under development for use in applications in both nuclear fission and nuclear fusion power generation. The materials offer... -
Residual stresses in laser welded benchmark specimens to validate a new plast...
A novel analytical approach has been developed to assess the plasticity induced error in residual stress (RS) distributions measured by the contour method (CM) for which... -
The influence of temperature on the nature martensitic transformation: A neut...
This experiment aims to study the strain induced transformation mechanism at temperatures between room temperature and low temperatures, and at extremely low temperatures. These... -
Residual strain measurements after cold expansion prior and after thermo-mech...
Previous measurements on ENGIN-X (RB1710155) performed on samples with different residual stress states after cold expansion gave good correlations between numerical and... -
Measurement of residual stresses and stress relaxation during heat treatment ...
The understanding of residual stresses is essential to utilize materials properties and to optimize castings. Previous experiments showed a large deviation between simulated and... -
Characterising Early Iron Age Indian Iron Smelting Technology: neutron analysis
Recent archaeological research, supported by radiocarbon dates, indicates that iron production in India can now be dated to the earlier part of the 2nd millennium BC, pre-dating... -
Vanadiumcarbide-precipitation kinetics in NANO-steels
Nano-steels are a new generation of Advanced High Strength Steels (AHSS), extremely suitable for lightweight automotive applications. The matrix of the steel, which provides... -
quenching and partitioning the new heat-treatment porcess 3
quenching and partitioning the new heat-treatment porcess 3 -
In situ phase volume fraction and internal strain measurements of TRIP steel ...
Transformation Induced-Plasticity (TRIP) phenomenon has been intensively studied to developnew steel products with the optimal combination of formability and strength. However,... -
Neutron reflection studies on model wax films reconstituted from chemicals
Morphological features of plant waxes vary from species to species, but little is understood about what controls these morphological changes although it is widely believed that... -
Round Robin on TOF Texture Analysis: ENGIN-X
In view of advances in texture research at pulsed neutron sources, we propose that ISIS participates in a 'Texture Round Robin' to benchmark the existing texture analysis... -
Investigation of compressive residual stresses induced by ultrasonic peening ...
Surface stress engineering processes aim to improve the life of components through the generation of favorable compressive residual stress fields by locally plastically... -
The Novel Quenching and Partitioning (Q&P) Heat-treatment Process
Q&P heat-treatments typically consist of an ¿Austenitisation - Interrupted Quench ¿ Partition ¿ Final Quench¿ heat treatment process. During the partitioning stage carbon... -
Investigating the breakdown of spring-exchange coupling at low temperature on...
Strong magnets with a high energy product are vital when optimizing the efficiency in the electricindustry. This can be achieved by making spring-exchange coupled magnets.... -
Effects of optimised roller geometry on the residual stress field in rolled g...
Recent work has shown that localised high-pressure rolling of weld seams can be a very effective means of reducing the damaging residual stresses created during the welding... -
Relating plastic deformation to angle dependent IGS for multiple hkl peaks
For some engineering purposes like welding or SCC where IGS (Inter Granular Stresses) increase susceptibility to cracking, some indicator of the level of plastic deformation... -
On the non-proportional loading of high strength steels during biaxial forming
By forming sheet metal using a non-proportional biaxial strain path, an improvement to the overall ductility by a factor of 2 is possible against conventional, proportional... -
Measurement of Residual Strains/Stresses in Welded Linepipes for Deep-sea Oil...
The demand for deep-sea oil and gas supply is increasing due to the higher demand on energy and security of energy supply. The pipelines for transporting oil and gas are... -
The effect of elastic stress on the martensite transformation in commercial T...
This proposal intends to investigate two ideas relating to TRIP steels in one experiment. Firstly, in-situ cooling under constant elastic stress will be performed to determine... -
Understanding the Pressure Response in Amines: Weak hydrogen-bonding vs Non-b...
Methylamines are an ideal chemical system to study in order to understand the effects of steric bulk and competing non-bonding interactions on hydrogen bonding at the networks...