271 datasets found

Keywords: systèmes et organisations politiques

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  • Vox 75 - Votation du 02.12.2001

    Follow-up surveyof voters; continuous investigation of the voting behavior; theoretical references: sociological and socio-psychological approach. Essential variables of the...
  • Vox 41 - Votation du 03.03.1991

    Follow-up surveyof voters; continuous investigation of the voting behavior; theoretical references: sociological and socio-psychological approach. Essential variables of the...
  • Vox 68 - Votation du 13.06.1999

    Follow-up surveyof voters; continuous investigation of the voting behavior; theoretical references: sociological and socio-psychological approach. Essential variables of the...
  • Vox 121 - Votation du 05.06.2016

    Follow-up surveyof voters; continuous investigation of the voting behavior; theoretical references: sociological and socio-psychological approach. Essential variables of the...
  • Vox 105 - Votation du 13.02.2011

    Follow-up surveyof voters; continuous investigation of the voting behavior; theoretical references: sociological and socio-psychological approach. Essential variables of the...
  • Vox 28 - Votation du 01.12.1985

    Follow-up surveyof voters; continuous investigation of the voting behavior; theoretical references: sociological and socio-psychological approach. Essential variables of the...
  • Vox 59 - Votation du 09.06.1996

    Follow-up surveyof voters; continuous investigation of the voting behavior; theoretical references: sociological and socio-psychological approach. Essential variables of the...
  • Entscheidungsträger der Schweizer Politik auf Bundesebene: Sekundärstatistisc...

    Ziel des Projektes war die Analyse politischer Entscheidungsprozesse im vorparlamentarischen Bereich auf Bundesebene in der Schweiz. Neben dem Ablauf von Entscheidungsprozessen...
  • Vox 19 - Votation du 27.02.1983

    Follow-up surveyof voters; continuous investigation of the voting behavior; theoretical references: sociological and socio-psychological approach. Essential variables of the...
  • Vox 120 - Votation du 28.02.2016

    Follow-up surveyof voters; continuous investigation of the voting behavior; theoretical references: sociological and socio-psychological approach. Essential variables of the...
  • Vox 16 - Votation du 29.11.1981

    Follow-up surveyof voters; continuous investigation of the voting behavior; theoretical references: sociological and socio-psychological approach. Essential variables of the...
  • Vox 109 - Votation du 25.11.2012

    Follow-up surveyof voters; continuous investigation of the voting behavior; theoretical references: sociological and socio-psychological approach. Essential variables of the...
  • Vox 30 - Votation du 28.09.1986

    Follow-up surveyof voters; continuous investigation of the voting behavior; theoretical references: sociological and socio-psychological approach. Essential variables of the...
  • Vox 25 - Votation du 10.03.1985

    Follow-up surveyof voters; continuous investigation of the voting behavior; theoretical references: sociological and socio-psychological approach. Essential variables of the...
  • VOTO 13: Swiss Popular Vote 27.09.2020

    Im Auftrag der Bundeskanzlei untersucht das Forschungsprojekt VOTO nach jeder eidgenössischen Abstimmung, was die Bürgerinnen und Bürger der Schweiz zu ihrem Entscheid bewogen...
  • Vox 48 - Votation du 07.03.1993

    Follow-up surveyof voters; continuous investigation of the voting behavior; theoretical references: sociological and socio-psychological approach. Essential variables of the...
  • Befragung über das Abstimmungsverhalten der eidgenössischen Parlamentarierinn...

    Despite the central role of the Swiss parliament and its members in political decision-making, we know only little about what determines the latter's decisions when voting on...
  • Vox 81b - Votation du 18.05.2003

    Follow-up surveyof voters; continuous investigation of the voting behavior; theoretical references: sociological and socio-psychological approach. Essential variables of the...
  • VOTO 1: Swiss Popular Vote 25.09.2016

    Im Auftrag der Bundeskanzlei untersucht das Forschungsprojekt VOTO nach jeder eidgenössischen Abstimmung, was die Bürgerinnen und Bürger der Schweiz zu ihrem Entscheid bewogen...
  • Befragung von Abgeordneten beider schweizer Parlamentskammern - 1974

    The study on the role of European parliaments in solving social conflicts was carried out by the Comparative Legislative Research Center of the University of Iowa (USA) in 1974...
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