Various siliceous micro-fossil and calcacerous nannofossil records from the E...
Relatively high opal concentrations are measured in equatorial Atlantic sediments from the most recent deglaciation. To shed light on their causes, seven cores were analyzed for... -
Nannofossil records from sediment core SHAK06-5K
Nannofossil relative abundances (%), nannofossil accumulation rates (NAR) and N ratio for the last 28 kyr from core SHAK06-5K from the SW Iberian margin. -
Nannoliths content of MIRA-CP1 core, Portugal
Sixteen calcareous nannoplankton taxa and didemnid ascidian spicules were identified throughout MIRA-CP1 core (see Alday et al. 2006 for further details). On the basis of... -
Coccolithophores and calcareous nannofossils abundance in Hole PRAD1-2 from P...
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