1,015 datasets found

Keywords: globular star clusters

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  • Distance of 72 Galactic globular clusters

    We present distance modulus and reddening determinations for 72 Galactic globular clusters from the homogeneous photometric database of Piotto et al. (2002, cat. ), calibrated...
  • VI photometry of NGC 6397

    We used VLT-FORS1 data to obtain photometry for stars located within 10 arcmin from the center of the cluster NGC 6397. The data taken in service mode in 1999 (field2, RA=17 41...
  • Variable Stars in the field of {omega} Cen

    We present results of a photometric survey for variable stars in the field of the globular cluster Omega Centauri. The observed region was centered roughly on the cluster core...
  • Abundances of UV-bright stars

    We have derived the chemical composition of nine UV-bright stars belonging to five Galactic globular clusters of various metallicities ([Fe/H] from -1.0 to -2.4dex). The...
  • Pal 13 UBV, proper motions and radial velocities

    Recently, combining radial velocities from Keck/HIRES echelle spectra with published proper motion membership probabilities, Cote et al. (2002ApJ...574..783C) observed a sample...
  • JK photometry on 5 Galactic globular clusters

    The IR catalogs of the observed clusters are based on ground-based observations using the near-IR camera ARNICA@TNG equipped with a NICMOS-3 256x256 array detector. By using a...
  • Equivalent widths of 3 post-AGB

    We present model atmosphere analyses of high resolution Keck and VLT optical spectra for three evolved stars in globular clusters, viz. ZNG-1 in M10, ZNG-1 in M15 and ZNG-1 in...
  • Radial velocities in 4 globular clusters

    We present radial and rotation velocity measurements from UVES+VLT high resolution spectra of 61 stars in the blue horizontal branches (HB) of the Galactic globular clusters NGC...
  • Lick line-index and photometry of globular clusters

    The catalog contains Lick line-index and photometric measurements of extragalactic globular clusters in seven early-type galaxies (NGC 1380, 2434, 3115, 3379, 3585, 5846, and...
  • RGB stars in NGC 2808

    We present the results of the first observations, taken with FLAMES during Science Verification, of red giant branch (RGB) stars in the globular cluster NGC 2808. A total of 137...
  • Omega Cen XMM observations

    We have observed the globular cluster Omega Cen (NGC 5139) with XMM-Newton on August 13th, 2001. The observation lasted 37ks and was performed with a medium filter. These tables...
  • VI light-curves of the variable stars in M13

    VI light-curves of variable stars in the globular cluster M13 are presented. They are based on the CCD observations carried out at the Bialkow station of the Wroclaw University...
  • Spectrophotometry of simulated Stellar Populations

    A new set of evolutionary synthesis spectra are presented for Simple Stellar Populations (SSPs) covering ranges in metallicity from 0.02<=Z/Z_{sun}<=2.5 and ages from...
  • HST photometry of 74 galactic globular clusters

    We present the complete photometric database and the color-magnitude diagrams for 74 Galactic globular clusters observed with the HST/WFPC2 camera in the F439W and F555W bands....
  • Binary and multiple clusters in the LMC

    Based on the Bica et al. (1999, Cat. ) catalogue we studied the star cluster system of the LMC area and provide a new catalogue of all binary and multiple cluster candidates...
  • CCD Vilnius photometry of M56

    CCD observations of field stars in an area north-east of the globular cluster M 56 were obtained in six bands of the Vilnius photometric system. The data sets cover a field of...
  • HST VI photometry and proper motions in NGC 6528

    Using two epochs of HST/WFPC2 images of the metal-rich globular cluster NGC 6528 we derive the proper motions of the stars and use them to separate the stars belonging to NGC...
  • BVI photometry in NGC 6101

    We used HST-WFPC2 and the 1.54 Danish ESO-telescope at La Silla (Chile) to obtain photometry for stars located within 200 arcsec from the center of the cluster NGC 6101....
  • Detected sources at 12{mu}m in 47 Tuc

    The present paper investigates the properties of the dust mass loss in stars populating the giant branch of the globular cluster 47 Tuc, by combining ISOCAM and DENIS data....
  • VI light curves of the variable stars in M92

    Results of a search for variable stars in the central region of the Oosterhoff II type globular cluster M 92 are presented. Out of the 28 variable and suspected variable stars...
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