Dataset and code for "Where are Romance Studies Heading? A Bibliographic Data...
This is the code and data for following article: * Calvo Tello, José. 2023 (accepted). ‘Where Are Romance Studies Heading? A Bibliographic Data Science Analysis Using... -
Spanish-language Cultural Magazines from Modernismo to Avant-Garde: Processes...
This file visualizes the classifications used in the column “Type of Contribution”. -
This text explicates the criteria which guided the selection criteria applied to construct the corpus. -
Spanish-language Cultural Magazines from Modernismo to Avant-Garde: Processes...
This file comprises of all the data collected by the project in 42 cultural magazines. -
This file visualizes the corpus of cultural magazines on a world map. -
Revistas culturales históricas en lengua española desde el modernismo hasta l...
This file visualizes fictional prose writers contributing to more than one magazine on a world map. -
Spanish-language Cultural Magazines from Modernismo to Avant-Garde: Processes...
This file provides the a list of all avant-garde contributors who had died before their contributions were published or who died in the year where this publication took place. -
Data Sheets
This file provides the number of contributions according to the authors' nationality. -
Revistas culturales históricas en lengua española desde el modernismo hasta l...
This dataset has no description
Revistas culturales históricas en lengua española desde el modernismo hasta l...
This file provides the relative percentages of genre distribution in the modernist magazines corpus. -
This text explores questions of intellectual heritage across avant-garde magazines by making use of the dedications and the year of death of the investigated contributors. -
Data Sheets
This file provides the number of contributions according to the authors' nationality. -
Spanish-language Cultural Magazines from Modernismo to Avant-Garde: Processes...
This DFG-funded research project studied a large corpus of cultural magazines of the Spanish-speaking modern age in Spain and Hispanic America. The research project started in... -
Spanish-language Cultural Magazines from Modernismo to Avant-Garde: Processes...
This text investigates genre distributions across avant-garde magazines and the network of contributions to the category “Fictional Prose” in the avant-garde period. -
Data Sheets
This file comprises of all the data collected by the project in 23 cultural magazines pertaining to the avant-garde period. -
Revistas culturales históricas en lengua española desde el modernismo hasta l...
This file provides the nodelist which forms the basis of figures 3 and 4. -
Data Sheets
This file provides the a list of all avant-garde contributors who had died before their contributions were published or who died in the year where this publication took place. -
Accompanying Publications
This file contains a list of all cultural magazines forming the corpus we analysed, containing as well links to the sources from which the digitised materials were taken. -
This text explains how we developed the categories used in our data sheets and what they mean.. -
«Atribución de autoría y Humanidades Digitales: Métodos de estilometría y apl...
This paper presents the use of some of the tools offered by the digital humanities to try to bring new perspectives to a long-discussed case of authorship attribution: that of...