139 datasets found

Keywords: Open star clusters

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  • Multiplicity of red supergiants in NGC 330

    The multiplicity properties of massive stars are one of the important outstanding issues in stellar evolution. Quantifying the binary statistics of all evolutionary phases is...
  • Massive binaries in Westerlund 1. VII.

    Context. The formation, properties, and evolution of massive stars remain subject to considerable theoretical and observational uncertainty. This impacts on fields as diverse as...
  • Open clusters in APOGEE and GALAH surveys

    Open clusters are ideal laboratories to investigate a variety of astrophysical topics, from the properties of the Galactic disk to stellar evolutionary models. Knowing their...
  • Photometric and astrometric study of NGC 6530

    NGC 6530 is a young cluster, with a complex morphology and star-formation history. We present a statistical study of its global properties, using a new, large list of candidate...
  • IC 4996 Vilnius phot. and Gaia DR2 astrometry

    The open cluster IC 4996 in Cygnus and its vicinity are investigated applying two-dimensional photometric classification of stars measured in the Vilnius seven-color photometric...
  • Age of 269 GDR2 open clusters

    The Gaia Second Data Release provides precise astrometry and photometry for more than 1.3 billion sources. This catalog opens a new era concerning the characterization of open...
  • The Seven Sisters DANCe. II. Pleiades

    Stellar clusters are open windows to understand stellar evolution. Specifically, the change with time and the dependence on mass of different stellar properties. As such, they...
  • Nine new open clusters within 500pc from the Sun

    One of the results of the Milky Way Star Clusters (MWSC) survey was the detection of a slight under-density of old (ca. 1Gyr) clusters within the nearest kilo-parsec from the...
  • RV and [Fe/H] in 5 open clusters

    Open clusters are key to studying the formation and evolution of the Galactic disc. However, there is a deficiency of radial velocity and chemical abundance determinations for...
  • The Seven Sisters DANCe. I. Pleiades

    The DANCe survey provides photometric and astrometric (position and proper motion) measurements for approximately 2 millions unique sources in a region encompassing...
  • Spectra of stars and planetary nebulae

    Fundamental parameters characterizing the end-state of intermediate-mass stars may be constrained by discovering planetary nebulae (PNe) in open clusters (OCs). Cluster...
  • Catalog of stellar clusters in the inner Galaxy

    Stars are born within dense clumps of giant molecular clouds, and constitute young stellar agglomerates known as embedded clusters, which only evolve into bound open clusters...
  • Stars associated to Eagle Nebula (M16=NGC6611)

    Massive star-forming regions are characterized by intense ionizing fluxes, strong stellar winds and, occasionally, supernovae explosions, all of which have important effects on...
  • Cordoba Carte du Ciel-Astrographic Catalog, CCAC

    Based on stellar positions and proper motions, we aim to re-analyse the region of the controversial open cluster Collinder 132. Methods. We have developed a model which analyse...
  • Blue stars with disk photometry in NGC 6611

    NGC 6611 and its parental cloud, the Eagle Nebula (M 16), are well-studied star-forming regions, thanks to their large content of both OB stars and stars with disks and the...
  • BVR phot. of Basel 11b, King 14, Czernik 43

    To progress in galactic studies based on open clusters, e.g. cluster formation rate or kinematical properties, one needs to improve the number of open clusters observed....
  • CCD {Delta}a-photometry of 8 open clusters

    The detection of magnetic chemically peculiar (CP2) stars in open clusters of the Milky Way can be used to study the influence of different galactic environments on the...
  • XMM view of NGC 6231 open cluster

    We present the results of an X-ray campaign towards the young open cluster NGC 6231. The XMM-Newton observations, of a total duration of about 180 ks, reveals that NGC 6231 is...
  • UBV(RI)c photometry of 4 open clusters

    Ages derived from the low mass stars still contracting onto the main sequence often differ from ages derived from the high mass ones that have already evolved away from it. We...
  • Proper motion and BV photometry in Trumpler 2

    The results of a complex study of the galactic open cluster Trumpler 2 are presented. In order to obtain the proper motions, the positions of approximately 3000 stars up to the...
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