Major and minor elements composition of 5 manganese nodules and 2 sediment sa...
Five manganese nodules from a range of deep-sea and fossil environments were selected for this study. Most samples were prepared for bulk analysis by grinding the material... -
Chemical composition of ferromanganese nodules from a core taken in the vicin...
Ferromanganese nodules were retrieved at different levels inside a core taken in the vicinity of the Hawaiian Islands. Total iron contents were determined by the bichromate... -
Chemical composition of ferromanganese nodules from the central Pacific Ocean...
Manganese nodules were retrieved during the SO06 (R/V Sonne) and COPANO (R/V Le Suroit) campaigns as part of the international "Hawaii-Tahiti Transect Program" initiated at the... -
Chemical composition of selected manganese nodules from northeastern equatori...
Selected manganese nodules from the DEEPSONDE and BENTHIFACE expeditions conducted by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) in the northeastern equatorial Pacific have... -
Chemical composition of manganese nodules from the Clarion-Clipperton Fractur...
Manganese nodules from expeditions conducted by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) in the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone (CCZ) in the Pacific Ocean have been... -
Chemical composition of ferromanganese nodules and crusts from the Pacific us...
Manganese nodules were retrieved during various cruises of the R/V Vema and R/V Robert Conrad from Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO). Their chemical composition was... -
Chemical composition of ferromanganese nodules from the Pacific Ocean using X...
Manganese nodules were retrieved during cruises of the Scripps Oceanographic Institution (SIO). Their chemical composition was determined using X-ray fluorescence. From 1983... -
Chemical composition of ferromanganese nodules from the Phillipine Sea
During the GDP-8 cruise of R/V Bosei-Maru, scientists from the Tokai University surveyed the Kinan seamount chain and the Kyushu-Palau Ridge in the Phillippine Sea. They dredged... -
Chemical composition of ferromanganese nodules near the Manihiki Plateau, Pac...
International Nickel Company (INCO) as a large operator of nickel mines investigated the mining potential of manganese nodules in the Pacific Ocean. It became interested in... -
Determination chemical constituents in manganese deposit samples from the Pac...
X-ray emission spectroscopy (XES) was used to analyse manganese nodules and crusts from the Pacific Ocean retrieved during expeditions from the Scripps Institution of... -
Determination chemical constituents in manganese deposit samples from the Pac...
Atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS) was used to analyse manganese nodules and crusts from the Pacific Ocean retrieved during expeditions from the Scripps Institution of... -
Chemical composition of Indian Ocean manganese nodules analyzed at Preuss-AG
During the TRANSINDIK (VA07) campaign of the R/V Valdivia in the Central Indian Ocean manganese nodules were retrieved and analysed for their metal composition at Preuss-AG... -
Chemical composition of manganese nodules from the south Penrhyn Basin
Samples of manganese nodules from the south Penrhyn Basin were analyzed for a number of elemental concentrations. Chemical analyses were performed by the Australian Mineral... -
Chemical composition and morphology of manganese nodules and crusts retrieved...
Chemical analyses were made on one hundred and forty five powder samples taken from defined parts of manganese nodules retrieved during the GH80-5 campaign of the R/V... -
Rare-earth and minor elements concentration in manganese nodules and crusts f...
The study reported here involved the analysis of 12 rare earth and 13 minor elements in 13 nodules from the S.W. Pacific; 1 nodule from equatorial N. Pacific (DOMES Site C) as... -
Chemical composition of manganese nodules from the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean...
Manganese nodules from the East Pacific Ocean were analyzed at Scripps Institution of Oceanography after being ground to < 74 Microns, pressed into pellets, dried at 110 °C... -
Chemical composition of manganese nodules from the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean...
Manganese nodules from the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans were analyzed at Scripps Institution of Oceanography after being ground to < 74 Microns, pressed into pellets, dried at... -
Major and trace elements geochemistry of manganese nodules from WAHINE expedi...
The bulk chemical compositions of ferromanganese nodules recovered from 14 of 38 sediment cores collected from a 230 km2 area of abyssal hill topography in the northern... -
Observation of manganese deposits in the Mariana-Phillipine basin regions dur...
The MARIANA I- expedition had three main aims: 1) Performance of an ODP-site pre-survey of a serpentinite diapir in the Mariana fore-arc region; 2) Investigation of volcanism... -
Chemical composition of ocean manganese nodules from the Clarion-Clipperton F...
From 1983 until 1989 NOAA-NCEI compiled the NOAA-MMS Marine Minerals Geochemical Database from journal articles, technical reports and unpublished sources from other...