Validation of the asymmetric cut in the contour method.
The Contour method is a powerful residual stress measurement method, that is still under development. A limitation of the technique is that the component must be cut into two... -
Martensite Ductility Improvement Mechanism of High Strength Multilayered Aust...
Though the single phase martensite of low alloy steel usually has a total elongation less than 5% and cannot directly apply to the commercial steel sheets, the multilayered... -
Texture memory and variant selection for steel and titanium and zirconium alloys
The proposed experiment will focus on determining the level of texture memory and variant selection on both heating and cooling for steel and titanium and zirconium alloys with... -
Deforming TWIP steels at cryogenic temperatures
Dense mechanical twins and phase transformation are the most attractive athermal transformation processes since they can endow alloys with significant strength enhancement as... -
Stress evolution of hydrogen charged duplex stainless steel under load
Duplex stainless steels have a microstructure composed of 50% ferrite and 50% austenite. This microstructure confers them high mechanical properties and corrosion resistance.... -
The influence of temperature on the nature martensitic transformation: A neut...
This experiment aims to study the strain induced transformation mechanism at temperatures between room temperature and low temperatures, and at extremely low temperatures. These... -
Inherent damage tolerance of fine grained nuclear graphite at elevated temper...
Current UK reactors use a graphite composite material in the core and this material comprises coarse grains and about 20 vol.% porosity. This material functions well so far but... -
The Power of Neutron Reflectivity for Batteries
Catastrophic failures of lithium batteries is a major safety concern, however our understanding and control over the mechanisms of these failures is still lacking. Lithium is... -
Residual Stress Measurements in Inc718 and C263 Nickel Based Super-Alloys and...
This project is being conducted at the Advanced Forming Research Centre (AFRC), funded by UK government through the Innovative UK (I-UK) initiative known as Manufacturing... -
Stress evaluation of RAFM weld for fusion reactor
Reduced Activation Ferritic-Martensitic steels (RAFMs) are the primary candidate structuralmaterial for the FDS series LiPb blankets for fusion reactors, in particular the Dual... -
Characterisation of residual stresses and d0 variations in additively manufac...
Additive manufacturing, otherwise know as 3D printing is gaining in industrial relevance as a manufacturing technique partially due to the ability to fabricate complex... -
Residual Stress Measurement on Welded Stainless Steel 304 by Neutron Diffraction
Welding-induced distortions and residual stresses of structural components can result in significant increase in manufacturing costs and then limit the development of innovative... -
Residual stress distributions and stress relaxation due to Post Weld Heat Tre...
UK power plants are following the worldwide trends in the power generating industry, in line with demands for increases in the efficiency of existing power plants and for... -
Magnetic scattering for strain-induced martensite detection in duplex stainle...
The investigation is aimed to confirm the non-diffusive process known as strain-induced martensite formation which could manifest itself in Duplex Stainless Steel (DSS) during... -
EBSD Maps acquired on different steels with transformed microstructures
9 EBSD Maps as CTF (The format is a ASCII text format developed by Oxford, but sufficiently explicit to be used outside of Oxford software). Acquisition parameters and steel...