Current Questions on Climate Policy, Focus: Building and Housing (November 2022)
The study on current questions on climate policy, Focus: Building and Housing was conducted by the opinion research institute Kantar on behalf of the Press and Information... -
System of Social Indicators for the Federal Republic of Germany: Housing
The system of social indicators for the Federal Republic of Germany - developed in its original version as part of the SPES project under the direction of Wolfgang Zapf -... -
Homeownership, Renting and Society: Historical and Comparative Perspectives, ...
Der Datensatz enthält für die gegebenen Länder jeweils zwei Zeitreihen für die Wohneigentumsquote. Die erste Zeitreihe besteht aus den Rohdatenpunkten. Die Wohneigentumsquote... -
Political Tasks with a Particular Need for Action (October 2023)
The study on political tasks with a particular need for action was conducted by the Allensbach Institute for Public Opinion Research on behalf of the Press and Information... -
Database on European System of Social Indicators, 1950-2013
The European System of Social Indicators provides a systematically selected collection of time-series data to measure and monitor individual and societal well-being and selected... -
European System of Social Indicators: Housing, 1980-2013
The European System of Social Indicators provides a systematically selected collection of time-series data to measure and monitor individual and societal well-being and selected... -
Wohnen in der deutschen Schweiz - 1994
The "Immo-Barometer" is a market-oriented research series of the publisher of the Neue Zürcher Zeitung. It is intended to help consolidate customer loyalty to NZZ in the area of... -
Wohnen in der deutschen Schweiz - 1996
The "Immo-Barometer" is a market-oriented research series of the publisher of the Neue Zürcher Zeitung. It is intended to help consolidate customer loyalty to NZZ in the area of... -
Making Sense of Segregation in Public Space. Intercept survey and structured ...
Encounters with strangers and exposure to difference are specific urban qualities. The common narrative frames this diversity as positive, desirable and essentially urban, even... -
Making Sense of Segregation in Public Space. Semi-structured interviews: perc...
Encounters with strangers and exposure to difference are specific urban qualities. The common narrative frames this diversity as positive, desirable and essentially urban, even... -
Wohnen in der deutschen und französischen Schweiz - 2000
The "Immo-Barometer" is a market-oriented research series of the publisher of the Neue Zürcher Zeitung. It is intended to help consolidate customer loyalty to NZZ in the area of... -
Urbanisation et innovations technologiques, enquête auprès des habitants du b...
Cette recherche vise à mieux connaître les liens entre le processus d'innovation, le développement industriel, l'urbanisation et les Hautes Ecoles. Elle part de l'observation... -
Profils, trajectoires et motivations des ménages installés dans les nouveaux ...
Sustainable development and the model of the compact city increasingly influence land planning policies. In this context, an inward development and an urban regeneration are... -
Profils, trajectoires et motivations des ménages installés dans les nouveaux ...
Sustainable development and the model of the compact city increasingly influence land planning policies. In this context, an inward development and an urban regeneration are... -
Enquête sur la mobilité spatiale et professionnelle en Suisse - 1981
Depuis plus d'un siècle, la Suisse vit un processus considérable de concentration démographique et socio-économique en quelques pôles de son territoire. Depuis 1970, les... -
Marché du logement et usages de la ville: enquête auprès des habitants de Mon...
Le développement économique de la ville de Monthey (VS), avec ses effets en termes urbanistiques, est spectaculaire. Or la ville présente cette particularité d'être fiscalement... -
The Woman and Her Kitchen
Kitchen equipment and consumer habits. Topics: Detailed information on features, type and equipment of the kitchen; intent to acquire kitchen equipment; rank order of the need... -
Residence Experience I, Cologne
Sociological investigation about living in a large city. Topics: Detailed information on housing conditions, residence furnishing and use of living space; equipment furnishing... -
Residence Experience II, Bergneustadt
Sociological investigation about living in a small town. Topics: The content of the study is identical to the content of ZA Study No. 0129. Demography: age (classified); sex;... -
Residence Experience III, Federal Republic
Sociological investigation about residence. Topics: Information on living room furnishing and use of living space; number of living-rooms; assessment of the residence...