Effects of trail disturbance on native and non-native coastal prairie bunchgr...
A data set containing measurements from two native and two non-native bunchgrass species that experienced and did not experience disturbance along dirt foot trails taken from... -
Effects of experimental warming on Betula nana epidermal cell growth tested o...
Numerous long-term, free-air plant growth facilities currently explore vegetation responses to the ongoing climate change in northern latitudes. Open top chamber (OTC)... -
Exemplary FOFS output data of experiments on simultaneous recording of filtra...
Data sets are outputs of two experiments (each experiment includes two or more temporally replicated trials - named by date) that were conducted using a newly developed... -
Components of litterfall production in a tropical deciduous forest of Northwe...
This dataset contains information about the production and composition of litterfall at a successional gradient of the tropical deciduous forest of northwestern Mexico In these... -
Données de réplication pour : Trait-independent habitat associations explain ...
On oceanic islands, ecosystem processes hold on a limited number of species. However, their patterns of coexistence and the resulting variations of assemblage composition along... -
SALMEVOL 1041 - Kerguelen and Crozet captures data for salmonids long term mo...
This file contains capture data of introduced salmonids in the subantarctic Islands of Kerguelen and Crozet.These data are maintained within the long term monitoring program... -
Predictive metabolomics performed on 24 extremophile plant species in 19 different sites along an elevation transect in the Atacama Desert. -
TREEPEACE project website
TREEPEACE project website There are widespread concerns that trees, due to their long life-span, are not able to cope with the rapid ongoing climate change. While many studies... -
Regeneration and related variables data in spruce-fir-beech mixed uneven aged...
The work was carried out in mixed, uneven aged forests of Picea abies, Abies alba and Fags sylvatica in the French Alps and Jura mountains. This dataset contains raw data files... -
Long-term and large-scale Quercus petraea population survey conducted in prov...
Provenance tests are invaluable resources in forest genetics and ecology. They were originally established for seed sourcing research, but they are now also used for monitoring... -
movedesign: Study design of movement ecology studies
A Shiny R application that aims to assist researchers in designing animal tracking projects related to two main research questions: the estimation of home range and of speed and... -
Manually labeled terrestrial laser scanning point clouds of individual trees ...
This dataset contains 11 terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) tree point clouds (in .LAZ format v1.4) of 7 different species, which have been manually labeled into leaf and wood... -
Svenskt lantbruk under omställning - lantbrukshushållens villkor och strategi...
This is a survey of farming households in three different areas of Sweden. Swedish agriculture is presently undergoing a radical reorganization. Regulation systems are... -
Replication Data for: Spatial Patterns of Water-dispersed Seed Deposition alo...
Four worksheets in one file containing data on spatial patterns of seed arrival along stream riparian gradients, with description of column headers (worksheet 1), abiotic... -
DeepIso - a global open database of stable isotope ratios and elemental conte...
The use of stable isotopes as ecological tracers in deep-sea ecosystems has a long history, dating back to the late 1970’s. Stable isotopes have been instrumental to many... -
you are variations, versions 01-09, Audio-Visual Documentation
you are variations versions 01 - 09 Audio-Visual Documentation versions 01 - 09, plus additional documentary material, including E-Thesis and Appendices (6 zipped folders and...