Antarctic Fish Gill Viromes
Antarctica harbours some of the most isolated and extreme environments on Earth, concealing a largely unexplored fraction of the virosphere. Using meta-transcriptomics, we... -
fish metagenome Metagenome
We investigated changes in microbial communities of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) during simulated cold chain logistics with fluctuating temperatures. -
Tachysurus fulvidraco
The Tachysurus fulvidraco is primarily distributed in North America. It has a body length of approximately 12-14 centimeters and a short, round physique. It inhabits diverse... -
Environmental DNA metabarcoding provides enhanced detection of the European e...
Due to increasing reliance on pumping stations for water level management, and emerging knowledge of their adverse ecological impacts on whole fish communities, it is important... -
Danio rerio Metagenome
In this study, we examined the effects of polyethylene MP ingestion for four and ten days of exposure starting at 5 days post fertilization (dpf). In particular we examined the... -
Bacteria in aquaponics vs. recirculating aquaculture
Aquaponics is an innovative method for sustainable food production, where plants absorb nutrients from the effluents of fish farming. We tested if aquaponics with mint as the... -
Red Porgy Microbiota
Microbiota of red porgy during ice storage -
Host specificity shapes fish viromes across lakes on an isolated remote island
The Chatham Island, an island 800km east of the South Island of New Zealand, houses around 9% of New Zealand's threatened endemic fish species and presents a unique virosphere... -
Cyprinus carpio Raw sequence reads
Transcriptome of nose and pharynx of Cyprinus carpio after SVCV infection -
Blue tilapia gut microbiome
16S rRNA sequencing of the gut microbiome of the Blue tilapia Oreochromis aureus -
Moorea Reef Fish Metagenome
Reef Fish Microbiome (Gills and Intestines) -
Community structure and functional annotations of mucosal microbiome in healt...
Mucus was taken from slime and lesion of healthy and diseased stinging catfish, The microbiome community in healthy and diseased was observed, and differentiated the community.... -
metatranscriptome of grass carp intestinal content
we sequenced 11 metatranscriptomes of grass carp intestinal contents to explore how the structure and function of the intestinal bacterial communities change driven by different... -
Dicentrarchus labrax Targeted Locus (Loci)
Traceability of farmed fish: bacterial communities by NGS -
fish metagenome Raw sequence reads
Gut microbial of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) -
Gill microbiomes of flag cihlids (Mesonauta festivus)
Our study aimed to characterize how the gill microbiome transcriptional activity of wild Amazonian flag cichlids (Mesonauta festivus) changes according to the environmental... -
Ctenopharyngodon idella Genome sequencing and assembly
Ctenopharyngodon idella Genome sequencing and assembly -
Environmental DNA metabarcoding reveals spatial and seasonal in fish communit...
RAW fastq sequencing concerning the project - Environmental DNA metabarcoding reveals spatial and seasonal in fish community in the Venice Lagoon -
Microbiome of diseased Cobia
Aim of the project was to elucidate the microbiome associated with diseased cobia reared in open sea cages -
Microbiota of Oncorhynchus mykiss Metagenome
Microbiota analysis of gills, intestine and digesta of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), resistant and susceptible to Flavobacterium psychrophilum