141 datasets found

Keywords: job satisfaction

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  • Työkyvyn strateginen johtaminen ja työterveysyhteistyö: henkilöstöjohto 2018

    Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin, miten julkisen alan organisaatioiden henkilöstön työkykyä ja työuria voidaan tukea johtamisen keinoin sekä yhteistyössä työterveyshuollon kanssa....
  • Työkyvyn strateginen johtaminen ja työterveysyhteistyö: henkilöstöjohto 2021

    Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin, miten julkisen alan organisaatioiden henkilöstön työkykyä ja työuria voidaan tukea johtamisen keinoin sekä yhteistyössä työterveyshuollon kanssa....
  • Työolobarometri 2021

    Työolobarometrit selvittävät suomalaisen työelämän laatua ja työolojen muutosta palkansaajien näkökulmasta. Työolobarometrien sisältö on pysynyt pääosin samanlaisena eri...
  • Familj och arbetsliv på 2000-talet - Familj och arbetsliv

    The project 'Family and Working Life in the 21st Century' (YAPS) began in 1998. The aim was to establish a longitudinal database for studying the mutual relationship between...
  • Invoering 36-urige werkweek bij banken 1996

    work situation / introduction shorter working week / implementation of time schedules / flexible working hours / changes in opening hours and their effects / contract /...
  • Loopbanen van oudere werknemers 1955

    Job career: description of R's last 3 jobs: type, working conditions, pressure of work, changes in tasks, motives for changes/ time spent for training courses, special...
  • Beroepsmobiliteit jeugdwerkers 1973

    Job satisfaction / satisfaction and activities in social work / motives for stopping with or taking up of social work / work situation three years ago, evaluation of differences...
  • Wethouders en raadsleden in Nederland 1994

    Profile : personal background, implementation of function, motivation for choosing this job, job history and future / Position in local democracy : holding office hours,...
  • Virtuous Leadership, Work engagement, and Flourishing

    This dataset presents statistical data on virtuous leadership, work engagement, human flourishing, and OCB. The dataset contains data of 997 respondents who were registered as...
  • Competenties van werknemers in de informatiemaatschappij, 2002 : Een survey o...

    Survey concerning the adaptability of employees to new Information and Communications Technology (ICT) -developments. Characteristics of company and department where respondent...
  • Loopbaanwensen van leraren in het primair onderwijs 1992

    Labour mobility, occupational mobility and career preferences of teachers from schools for primary and special education. Teaching tasks: type of education/ class...
  • Verandering regelgeving WAO 1993, onderzoek 1995-1996

    Study on the effects of changes in the Dutch Disability Insurance Act (WAO), enter to the assessment of recipients of disablement insurance benefits by medical and vocational...
  • Culturele Veranderingen in Nederland 1995 - CV'95

    Trend study on changes in general opinions and attitudes of the Dutch population. The international part of the survey has the environment and national versus international...
  • Malmö Förebyggande Medicin

    The MPP was started in the early 70's as a screening survey in the middle-aged population of Malmö, the third largest city of Sweden. Subjects born in Malmö and residents of the...
  • Malmö Förebyggande Medicin

    The MPP was started in the early 70's as a screening survey in the middle-aged population of Malmö, the third largest city of Sweden. Subjects born in Malmö and residents of the...
  • Folkhälsa i Skåne 2000

    A random sample was chosen from the population registry among persons aged 18-80 year living in Scania the 4th of November in 1999. The sample was stratified in 60 geographic...
  • Folkhälsa i Skåne 2004

    A sample was drawn from the population registry among persons aged 18-18 years and living in Region Scania in 30th June 2004. The sample was stratified after geographic areas...
  • Folkhälsa i Skåne 2008

    A sample was drawn from the population registry among persons aged 18-18 years and living in Region Scania in 30th June 2004. The sample was stratified after geographic areas...
  • Medborgarundersökningen 2002-2003

    Citizen survey 2002-2003 (MBU02-03) is a follow up to citizen surveys conducted in 1987 and 1997 (SND 0474, SND 0796). The studies will examine the opportunities for citizens to...
  • Den nationella SOM-undersökningen 1987

    This dataset contains information from the second SOM-survey. The questionnaire was divided into seven subject fields: Mass media; politics and society; energy and nuclear...
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