144 datasets found

Keywords: linguistics

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  • B4 Otfrid

    Das Referenzkorpus Altdeutsch erfasst und annotiert die ältesten Sprachdenkmäler des Deutschen vom Beginn der kontinuierlichen schriftlichen Überlieferung um 750 bis etwa 1050...
  • Das Kiezdeutschkorpus "KiDKo": Zusatzkorpora

    Aditional corpus I "Frog Story" oral presentation of the picture story (Mayer 1969), written reproduction of the "Frog Story" from memory. Additional corpus...
  • Hamburg Corpus of Polish in Germany (HamCoPoliG)

    This corpus version is deprecated for version 0.2. 
  • Hamburg Corpus of Argentinean Spanish (HaCASpa)

    Audio and video recordings of experimental/read and spontaneous speech from adult speakers of Porteño Spanish in Argentina. Speakers are 18-69 years old and from two...
  • Reference Corpus Middle Low German/Low Rhenish (1200-1650); Referenzkorpus Mi...

    The project "Reference Corpus Middle Low German/Low Rhenish (1200–1650)", abbreviated as "ReN", is part of the "Corpus of Historical German...
  • The Hamburg MapTask Corpus (HAMATAC)

    Audio and two video recordings of map tasks with adult L2 users of German and one L1 speaker. The speakers' L1 and their L2 proficiencies vary. The maps used for the tasks...
  • EXMARaLDA Demo corpus 1.1

    A selection of short audio and video recordings in various languages to be used for instruction or demonstration of the EXMARaLDA system. The EXMARaLDA Demo Corpus is a small...
  • A5 Hausa News

    This corpus of news articles from the online news service of Deutsche Welle contains 4 texts with a total of 2017 tokens.   CLARIN Metadata summary for A5 Hausa News...
  • Commented Learner Corpus Academic Writing; Kommentiertes Lernendenkorpus akad...

    Authentic texts written by students of the University of Hamburg as part of their studies, the students have various L1 languages and study various subjects, all of the texts...
  • Hamburg Corpus of Polish in Germany (HamCoPoliG)

    Audio recordings of German/Polish bilingual and Polish monolingual adults (16-46 years). Recordings of semi-spontaneous data (3 topics) and renarration of a picture story. The...
  • Reference Corpus Middle Low German/Low Rhenish (1200-1650); Referenzkorpus Mi...

    The project "Reference Corpus Middle Low German/Low Rhenish (1200–1650)", abbreviated as "ReN", is part of the "Corpus of Historical German...
  • B4 Heliand

    Heliand 1, 4 and 5: complete text, status: final, digitalization, translation to Modern German, manually annotated with parts of speech, syntactic categories, grammatical...

    Audio recordings in Spanish with 23 German/Spanish simultaneous bilingual children living in Germany and attending the Spanish complementary school at the first level. 1-6...
  • Covert translation: Business Communication (old)

    Translation corpora of original texts with translations and comparable texts from the genre external business communication.
  • B1 Aja

    The data sets for each language consist of a small number of mini-dialogues, chosen out of the 189 entries within the Focus Translation Task (cf. Skopeteas et al. 2006: 209ff.)...
  • Das Kiezdeutschkorpus (KiDKo)

    A multi-modal digital corpus of spontaneous discourse data from informal, oral peer group in multi- and monoethnic speech communities. Multimodales, digitales Korpus...
  • The Hamburg MapTask Corpus (HAMATAC)

    Audio recordings of map tasks with adult L2 users of German. The speakers´ L1 and their L2 proficiencies vary. The maps used for the tasks are available. Audioaufnahmen...
  • Phonologie-Erwerb Deutsch-Spanisch als Erste Sprachen (PEDSES)

    Audio recordings of four German/Spanish simultaneous bilingual children starting at approx. 1 year and ending between the ages 2;4 and 3 years. There are 144 recording sessions...
  • Hamburg Corpus of Polish in Germany (HamCoPoliG)

    Original Data: Audio recordings of German/Polish bilingual and Polish monolingual adults (16-46 years). Recordings of semi-spontaneous data (3 topics) and renarration of a...
  • B4 Tatian Corpus of Deviating Examples 2.1

    The present corpus, the Tatian Corpus of Deviating Examples T-CODEX 2.1, provides morpho-syntactic and information structural annotation of parts of the Old High German...
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