1,015 datasets found

Keywords: globular star clusters

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  • UVKs photometry of globular clusters in NGC 5128

    At the distance of NGC 5128 (3.6+/-0.2Mpc) it is possible to resolve globular clusters with high resolution imaging from the ground, thus allowing the globular cluster candidate...
  • VI photometry of M33 star clusters

    We have detected 102 star clusters in M 33, from 35 deep Hubble Space Telescope (HST) WFPC2 fields taken from our program and from the HST archive. Twenty-eight fields have V...
  • Proper motions in omega Centauri

    The tables present the photometric and astrometric results of an extensive proper motion study of the globular cluster omega Centauri: information on the photographic plates...
  • Photometry of SX Phe stars in globular clusters

    We present for the first time a catalogue of SX Phe-type pulsating variables in globular clusters. In addition, SX Phe variables discovered in the Carina dwarf galaxy and other...
  • Reddening in open and globular clusters

    This paper compares reddening values E(B-V) derived from the stellar content of 103 old open clusters and 147 globular clusters of the Milky Way with those derived from...
  • M53 variable stars V light curves

    We present the results of the application of the Image Subtraction Method (ISM) to the CCD observations of the central region of globular cluster M53. We have obtained good...
  • HST photometry of ESO 338-IG04 globular clusters

    Multicolour images of the starbursting metal poor blue compact galaxy ESO 338-IG04 have been obtained with the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 on board the Hubble Space Telescope....
  • Optical spectra of 7 hot UV bright stars in GC

    We have obtained medium-resolution spectra of seven UV-bright stars discovered on images of four southern globular clusters obtained with the Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope...
  • JKVI photometry of NGC 6553 stars

    JK infrared photometry for the bulge globular cluster NGC 6553, combined with high resolution visual VI observations are presented and discussed in connection with the bulge...
  • Globular clusters luminosity function

    Data of figure 1 of the paper, namely the luminosity function of globular clusters in bolometric magnitude. The original HST magnitude is given, then the corresponding...
  • Terzan 2 VI photometry

    We present for the first time optical colour magnitude diagrams of the globular cluster Terzan 2, in the V, I colours. The horizontal branch is red. The red giant branch...
  • Abundances in globular clusters

    Tables 5, 6, and 7 present details of the derived abundances for the stars observed in the globular clusters M2, M13, and M56, respectively. Table 9 gives the measured...
  • Blue stragglers in M3

    The core of the Galactic Globular Cluster M 3 (NGC 5272) has been observed with the WFPC2 through the filters F255W, F336W, F555W, and F814W. Using these observations along with...
  • Core velocity dispersions of globular clusters

    We present, for 25 Galactic and 10 old Magellanic globular clusters, projected velocity dispersion ({sigma}p) measurements obtained by applying a cross-correlation technique to...
  • Tidal radii of 7 globular clusters

    We present new tidal radii for seven Galactic globular clusters using the method of automated star counts on Schmidt plates of the Tautenburg, Palomar and UK telescopes. The...
  • M3 stars CCD photometry

    We present BVI CCD photometry for more than 10,000 stars in the innermost region (0.3'<r<~4') of the globular cluster M 3. When added to the previous photographic...
  • V, I , and Gunn z imaging of Terzan 4

    We study the globular cluster Terzan 4 projected close to the Galactic center, by means of V, I and Gunn z Colour-Magnitude Diagrams. The images were obtained under exceptional...
  • Fornax cluster 1 and 3 photometry

    We have performed photometric CCD observations of the giant and horizontal branches of the globular cluster1, and of the giant branch of cluster3, in the Fornax dwarf spheroidal...
  • BVRHalpha photometry of NGC 1818

    We present B,V,R,Halpha CCD photometry and astrometry of Be stars in NGC 1818, its small neighbouring cluster NGC 1818B, and the surrounding field down to V = 18 mag. Our Be...
  • Proper motion of M 92

    We present proper motions for stars in the field of the galactic globular cluster NGC6341 (M92). This study continues the series of papers from the Bonn programme of globular...
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