Jellyfish Sightings Along the Italian Coastline from 2009 to 2017
The lack of gelatinous blooms data reveals scant attention to such phenomena due to their irregular occurrence (Boero et al. 2008), to modern publication trends that give no... -
Meiobenthos and nematodes from the continental shelf of the Laptev Sea
Meiobenthic communities along a depth gradient in the Laptev Sea were sampled in order to identify densities and community compositions. Special attention was paid to the... -
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Echinodermata Collection (Echinod...
The Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Echinodermata collection contains 4275 digitised specimens over 403 taxa (mostly species). This dataset only contains the marine... -
Young Fish Survey Data 1981 to 2010
Total numbers of individual fish identified during the Cefas Young Fish Survey (YFS) which ran from 1981 to 2010. The survey deployed a light 2-meter beam trawl to survey... -
Ascidiacea distribution data from: Deep-sea fauna of European seas - an annot...
An annotated check-list is given of Ascidiacea species occurring deeper than 2000 m in the seas bordering Europe. -
Counts of hyperbenthos of Gazi Bay (Kenya) sampled in October 1994
The spatial community structure of the hyperbenthos of Gazi bay was investigated during one week in October 1994. 38 stations were sampled using a hyperbenthic sledge. The data... -
Long term trends in the macrobenthos of the Belgian Continental Shelf
The global objective of this project is to deliver a substantial contribution to the knowledge of the long term variability in the biodiversity of the macrobenthos and the... -
National Pilot Monitoring Studies Phyllophora July 2017, Improving Environmen...
Macrozoobenthos data: species composition, abundance (ind/m²), biomass (g/m²) collected during the survey of the National Pilot Monitoring Studies Ukraine (NPMS UA) in the... -
Phytoplankton abundance and composition and physico-chemical parameters in th...
The dataset PHYTOENVDELTA contains the weekly values of abundance (cells/L) for more than 200 taxa of marine planktonic microalgae at 10 sampling stations located in the two... -
Microphytobenthos monitoring in the Mar Piccolo of Taranto. 2013-2014
Microphytobenthos monitoring in the Mar Piccolo of Taranto, 2013-2014 in the framework of the Italian flagship project RITMARE -
Monoplacophora distribution data from: Deep-sea fauna of European seas - an a...
An annotation is given for the species <i>Rokopella brummeri</i> (Goud et Gittenberger, 1993), the only monoplacophoran species occurring deeper than 2000 m in the... -
Marine Recorder Snapshot extract of surveys entered by Kent Wildlife Trust
This dataset consists of surveys entered by Kent Wildlife Trust. -
Infaunal SACFOR abundance data from underwater video footage from the selecte...
This dataset contains information on the SACFOR abundance of benthic infauna species from video footage from selected Special Areas of Conservation (SAC’s) in Northern Irish... -
Gastropoda distribution data from: Deep-sea fauna of European seas - an annot...
An annotated check-list is given of Gastropoda species occurring deeper than 2000 m in the seas bordering Europe. -
Romanian Black Sea Phytoplankton data from 1991 to 2000
Phytoplankton data collected in the Black Sea between 1991 and 2000 and processed by Nicolae Bodeanu, Mioara U?urelu, Georgeta Ru?a, and Laura Boicenco. Data were collected from... -
Breeding avifauna of small Estonian islands and islets, national monitoring 1...
The dataset contains counts of breeding birds on small Estonian sea islands and islets located in Estonian territorial waters and recorded during national monitoring programme.... -
Monthly variation in the macrozoobenthic community structure in Monolimni Lag...
The dataset contains data on the presence of macrobenthos from 2 stations in the Monolmni Lagoon in the Ervos Delta which were sampled monthly in 1998. -
RISC and ALERT Marine Non-Native Species (Chinese Mitten Crab, Wakame and Car...
Recording Invasive Species Counts (RISC) alongside ALERT was launched in 2010 and includes on-line recording for 19 species including the Chinese Mitten Crab <i>Eriocheir... -
Bivalvia distribution data from: Deep-sea fauna of European seas - an annotat...
An annotated check-list is given of Bivalvia species occurring deeper than 2000 m in the seas bordering Europe. -
The meiobenthos of the Southern Bight of the North Sea
This dataset, compiled in the framework of a Msc thesis, contains information on the meiobenthic communities of six different stations in the Southern Bight of the North Sea,...