Interviews media professionals
Er zijn 2 groepsinterviews en 1 één-op-één interview gehouden met in totaal 9 mediaprofessionals. De mediaprofessionals zijn geworven via het professionele netwerk van het... -
Replication Data for: Values Underpinning Integrated, People-Centred Health S...
In addition to the functional aspects of healthcare integration, an understanding of its normative aspects is needed. This study explores the importance of values underpinning... -
Increases of correct memories and spontaneous false memories due to eye movem...
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is an effective treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder. However, literature on possible adverse memory effects of EMDR... -
Replication Data for: Leaving the loners alone: Dispositional preference for ...
What are the interpersonal consequences of seeking solitude? Leading theories in developmental research have proposed that having a general preference for solitude may incur... -
Disgust Toward Sex-Relevant and Sex-Irrelevant Stimuli in Pre-, Early, and Mi...
For prepubertal youth, sexual stimuli elicit disgust and avoidance, yet in adolescence this avoidance shifts to sexual approach. One explanation could be that disgust declines... -
Testing a Potential Alternative to Traditional Identification Procedures Rea...
Direct eyewitness identification is widely used, but prone to error. We tested the validity of indirect eyewitness identification decisions using the reaction time-based... -
Gameadvies Op Maat 2.0 (GOM2.0) - Dataset
AIMS: cross validation of self-report scales to improve the self-test on gameninfo.nl (now using: VAT scale) by exploring new scales and drafting a new instrument from those... -
Replication Data for: Conditional moments of noncausal alpha-stable processes...
R Code necessary for the replication of the experiments, figures and tables in the published version article. -
The disintegration of event files over time: decay or interference?
Bernhard Hommel & Christian Frings (2020) Psychonomic Bulletin and Review -
Ethical free-riding: When honest people find dishonest partners
Jörg Gross, Margarita Leib, Theo Offerman, & Shaul Shalvi (2018). Psychological Science -
The neural correlates of academic self-concept in adolescence and the relatio...
Van der Aar, L. P. E., Peters, S., Van der Cruijsen, R., & Crone, E. A. (2019). Trends in Neuroscience and Education. -
What’s not to like? Enhancing Women’s Body Satisfaction by means of an Evalua...
The prevalence of a negative body image among women is high. Because of its serious consequences for individuals’ mental health, there is an urgent need to improve current body... -
Groups being ostracized by groups: Is the pain shared, is recovery quicker, a...
This dataset has no description
Exploring the feasibility and usability of the experience sampling method to ...
The experience samplingmethod (ESM) is a structured diarymethod with high ecological validity, in that it accurately captures the everyday context of individuals through... -
Replication Data for Chapter 4: Effects of HIV on human capital investment in...
This dataset contains demographic and health survey data for Zimbabwe (DHS) and the applicable STATA .do file -
Outcomes and expectations in dilemmas of trust <Dataset>
This dataset has no description
Replication Data for: Chapter 4 - The role of citizenship and camp-residency ...
De facto many refugees remain warehoused. While under the 1951 Refugee Convention three durable solutions are foreseen, practices of reception of refugees have differed across... -
Supplementary material - Renewable energy for smallholder irrigation: A techn...
This supplementary material contains toolkit to promote the adoption of renewable energy-powered pumps for smallholder irrigation, as part of the publication "Renewable energy... -
Replication Data for Chapter 6. Migration and Development: A Passing Phase or...
NVivo file for replicating the analysis for Chapter6 -
Accepting or suppressing the desire to eat: investigating the short-term effe...
Previous studies addressing the long-term impact of acceptance of food cravings have revealed positive effects in terms of reduced craving experience. The present study...