Metadata for Lake Baikal sediment core AMS radiocarbon data
This is a complete database of AMS radiocarbon data from Lake Baikal sediment cores. Most radiocarbon data has already been published but is not easily accessible on a database.... -
Species level size-normalised weight data for at depth analysis
This dataset contains a compilation of published and new SNW data with corresponding environmental data extracted from CMIP6 that are used in the at depth species level Bayesian... -
Species level size-normalised weight data
This dataset contains a compilation of published and new SNW data with corresponding sea surface (≤ 20 m) environmental data extracted from CMIP6 that are used in the species... -
Group level size-normalised weight data
This dataset contains a compilation of published and new SNW data with corresponding sea surface (≤ 20 m) environmental data extracted from CMIP6 that are used in the group... -
Compiled globally-distributed brGDGT data
This dataset is an expanded version of the dataset compiled by Zhao et al. (2023) in Quaternary Science Reviews (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2023.108124). -
Salinity tolerance study details with means and variances of parameters compi...
All studies included in the meta-analysis are listed with study details such as experimental design, species studied, number of replicates, salinity levels and mean values and... -
Compilation of major and trace element concentrations in mesopelagic and othe...
Organisms accumulate major and trace elements (including metals) directly from the external environment and/or indirectly through diet. As such, their elemental composition can... -
Compilation of energy density of marine biota from the Northeast Atlantic and...
Information on the energy density of prey is critical for estimating food requirements and consumption by predators and modelling energy flux through food webs (Van de Putte et... -
Dating points for LANDO multi-core study
This data collection of age determination data from high latitude lake systems (50° N to 90° N, 55 sediment cores, and a total of 602 dating points) was part of the multi-core... -
Metadata for LANDO multi-core study
This data collection of age determination data from high latitude lake systems (50° N to 90° N, 55 sediment cores, and a total of 602 dating points) was part of the multi-core... -
Carbon and nitrogen signatures nature at the different layers from sediment c...
Aiming at a better recognition of the carbon and nitrogen signatures nature at the different layers in the sediment core in the lake, and avoid using generic ranges for these... -
Dataset of a globally relevant stock of soil nitrogen in the Yedoma permafros...
This dataset merges nitrogen data from the Yedoma domain. It includes numerous fieldwork campaigns, which take place since 1998. In total 467 samples from the active layer... -
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in seafood caught in Western and Central Med...
The present database contains the harmonised results of investigations on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in seafood caught from FAO fishing divisions 37.1.3 (Sardinia),... -
Amino acids and hexosamine in sediment trap samples from different oceanic ar...
This large set of sediment trap samples was collected in different oceanic areas between 1993 and 2017 from shelf seas to the deep ocean. The samples were compiled from previous... -
Global database of key seagrass structure, biomass and production variables
Seagrass meadows provide valuable socio-ecological ecosystem services, including a key role in climate change mitigation and adaption. Understanding the natural history of... -
Ocean current connectivity propelling secondary spread of a marine invasive c...
Based on 12,400 geo‐referenced occurrence data, we reconstruct the invasion history of M. leidyi in western Eurasia. We model ocean currents and calculate their stability to... -
(Table 1) Datasets used in the South Sandwich arc bathymetric compilation
The South Sandwich Islands and associated seamounts constitute the volcanic arc of an active subduction system situated in the South Atlantic. We introduce a map of the... -
Compiled brGDGT data from lakes and their catchment soils
This dataset has no description
LegacyPollen2.0: Taxonomically harmonized pollen counts of African samples wi...
This data set consists of the taxonomically harmonized and temporally standardized fossil pollen data from 3680 records. 1122 records are located in North America, 1446 records... -
LegacyPollen2.0: Taxonomically harmonized pollen counts of Asian samples with...
This data set consists of the taxonomically harmonized and temporally standardized fossil pollen data from 3680 records. 1122 records are located in North America, 1446 records...