Skills for Industry: TVET stakeholder Interviews - Training Providers
This research project investigated the role of Vocational Skills Development (VSD) in fostering inclusive industrial growth and transformation in low and middle-income... -
Skills for Industry: TVET stakeholder Interviews - Associations
This research project investigated the role of Vocational Skills Development (VSD) in fostering inclusive industrial growth and transformation in low and middle-income... -
Quantitative Längsschnitterhebung StAr: Studienverläufe, Arbeitskontexte und ...
Switzerland, like many other countries, is experiencing a shortage of qualified school special education teachers (SETs). International research attributes this shortage to... -
Befragung von Einsatzleistenden in Übersee zu ihren Motiven sowie den Erfahru...
The purpose of the study was to clarify the motivations of humanitarian workers in developping countries, to understand their personal and professional changes in the context of... -
Wiederholungsbefragung zum Schweizer Arbeitsmarktsurvey - 2000
Advancing globalization, expansion of the service sector, and the rapid spread of new technology on the job are bringing about rapid changes in working life. The goals of the... -
Befragung zur Miliztätigkeit in der Schulpflege - 2006
In Switzerland, a number of tasks in the political-administrative field are delegated to citizens who voluntarily hold such positions, usually in addition to a day job. This... -
Befragung zur Miliztätigkeit in der Kirchenpflege - 2006
Ziel des Forschungsvorhabens war es, neben empirisch belegtem Wissen über Motive, Einstellungen und Bewertungen der Miliztätigkeit in kommunalen Kirchenbehörden, auch... -
European Social Survey, Switzerland - 2010
The ESS survey (European Social Survey, http://www.europeansocialsurvey.org) emerged from the need to obtain comparative data in Europe on a number of issues of political... -
Enquête sur la mobilité spatiale et professionnelle en Suisse - 1981
Depuis plus d'un siècle, la Suisse vit un processus considérable de concentration démographique et socio-économique en quelques pôles de son territoire. Depuis 1970, les... -
MOSAiCH: Enquête sur le sens du travail et la citoyenneté - 2015
MOSAiCH stands for “Measurement and Observation of Social Attitudes in Switzerland” and is a survey conducted under this name since 2005. It integrates several international... -
Swiss Pilot ISSP 2015 Work Orientation
The Swiss PILOT ISSP 2015 WORK ORIENTATION survey is the pretest survey of the 2015 version of the International Social Survey Program (ISSP; http://www.issp.org) about ‘Work... -
Swiss nurses’ career paths - nurses at work - n@w - 2014
Insufficient nursing staff levels have been shown to have a negative impact on the quality of care, increasing patient morbidity and mortality. In order to address the issue of... -
Social Networks and Access to a Job for the Unemployed
This survey is part of the LIVES-programme and analyzes how networks help the unemployed to find a job. It is based on a large inflow-sample of unemployed workers in Switzerland... -
Living in Switzerland Waves 1-24 (including a long file) + Covid 19 data
Collecting data on households and individuals since 1999, the Swiss Household Panel (SHP) is an ongoing, unique, large-scale, nationally representative, longitudinal study in... -
Erwerbsunterbrüche vor der Geburt: Befragung Mütter
The Maury Pasquier postulate (15.3793) invites the Federal Council to present a report on breaks in the employment of pregnant women and to examine whether there is a need for... -
Erwerbsunterbrüche vor der Geburt: Befragung Arbeitgebende
The Maury Pasquier postulate (15.3793) invites the Federal Council to present a report on breaks in the employment of pregnant women and to examine whether there is a need for... -
Berufliche Entscheidungen und Entwicklungsverläufe im Jugendalter und jungen ...
Das Ziel dieses Projekts liegt in der Analyse von Determinanten von Berufsbildungsentscheidungen von Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen. Es werden aus der Perspektive von... -
Attitudes Towards Work
Life and job situation of workers in France. Topics: Judgement on the development of the standard of living; housing situation and having a yard; possession and acquisition... -
Socio-Economic, Political and Fiscal Data for the States (1960 and 1970)
Socio-economic, political and fiscal aggregate data at the level of the states for the years 1960 and 1970. Topics: Characteristics of population structure; population density;... -
World Handbook III (Aggregate Data)
Indicators of 155 countries of the world from the areas of politics, the economy, government finances, population and society. The World Handbook III presents basically a...