Sicherheit 2017. Aussen-, Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitische Meinungsbi...
This survey is part of the study series "Security". This series of studies is based on a representative survey of security policy opinion-forming in Switzerland carried out in... -
PRP 1972: Wir und die Welt. Strukturen und Hintergründe aussenpolitischer Ein...
This study was based on a written survey carried out as part of the educational exams of military recruits in all military trainings in 1972. The study focused on attitudes to... -
PMP Sri Lanka - Testimonies - 1980s Riots
The Pluralistic Memories Project (PMP) has been funded in 2014 for a period of 6 years. Through a mixed methodology, PMP gathered personal memories of events related to past... -
Befragung von Abgeordneten beider schweizer Parlamentskammern - 1974
The study on the role of European parliaments in solving social conflicts was carried out by the Comparative Legislative Research Center of the University of Iowa (USA) in 1974...