HDAC7 is a repressor of myeloid genes whose downregulation in pre-B cells is required for transdifferentiation into macrophages. Software: Docker 1.12+ -
Machine-learning based approach to classify cancer driver genes into to Activating or Loss of Function roles for cancer gene development. -
OncodriveFM detects candidate cancer driver genes and pathways from catalogs of somatic mutations in a cohort of tumors by computing the bias towards the accumulation of... -
OncodriveCLUST is a method aimed to identify genes whose mutations are biased towards a large spatial clustering. This method is designed to exploit the feature that mutations... -
Python tab files parsing and validating schema tools. -
Experimental paradigms and patient anonymized neuroimaging data corresponding...
The files contained in this dataset correspond to the neuroimaging data and experimental paradigms performed in a patient undergoing awake brain surgery for tumor removal in... -
Replication Data for: "The PAC1 receptor risk genotype does not influence fea...
This dataset includes the data belonging to two experiments performed to explore the effect of the risk genotype (CC) of the single nucleotide polymorphism (rs2267735) of the... -
Discrete Choice Experiment to elicitation of women's preferences in Breast Ca...
Les dades corresponen a una enquesta feta amb la metodologia Discrete Choice Experiment sobre les preferències de les dones sobre diferents atributs (reducció de la mortalitat,... -
Assessment of pain in youth with severe intellectual disabilities, qualitativ...
This dataset is part of a project on assessment of pain in youth with severe intellectual disabilities. Types of data: 1) Qualitative data (.txt format) on focus groups... -
Replication Data for Monitoring of Selected Swine Viral Diseases in Peruvian ...
El conjunto de datos tiene como objetivo registrar y analizar información serológica de dos especies de pecaríes (Pecari tajacu y Tayassu pecari) procedentes de dos áreas de la... -
Replication Data for Comparative analysis of academic achievement between fac...
Purpose: To compare the academic outcomes of 1160 medical students in the anatomy of the human digestive system module, in topics studied face-to-face and online. Nature:... -
Relació entre llenguatge i envelliment en adults amb Síndrome de Down
El conjunt de dades que es posen a disposició són avaluacions del llenguatge oral expressiu i receptiu amb diferents proves logopèdiques/psicològiques: Peabody, Token test,... -
Gestational diabetes Clinical and Methylation data
Clinical and DNA methylation data of Gestational diabetes -
Replication Data for First-principles Simulations of the Fluorescence Modulat...
This dataset contains simulation results and analyses related to the fluorescence modulation of a COX-2 specific fluorogenic probe. METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION (1) Description of... -
Exposure to Ambient Temperature and Functional Connectivity of Brain Resting-...
In this project we assessed the impacts of short-term cold and heat exposure on functional connectivity of brain resting-state networks in preadolescents of the Generation R... -
The use of 5G in occupational settings and worker exposure
Pre-registration of a scoping review that aims to synthesise peer-reviewed research conducted on 5G in occupational settings and worker exposure since 2015. -
Are people really worried about the health impacts of 5G mobile technologies?...
Pre-registration for a study addressing the following research questions: 1) How serious do the general public consider the potential health risks of 5G mobile technologies to... -
Public Mental Models of the Relationships Between 5G Mobile Technology and Hu...
Pre-registration of a study addressing the following research questions: 1) How prevalent are 5G misconceptions/uncertainties identified through the qualitative interviews: a)... -
Replication data for: "Sex Differences in Prelimbic Cortex Calcium Dynamics D...
This dataset includes all the data collected and analysed for the paper titled "Sex Differences in Prelimbic Cortex Calcium Dynamics During Stress and Fear Learning", published... -
Replication Data for Intestinal Taste Receptor Expression and Its Implication...
This dataset was created for the purpose of analyzing data that was published in the article titled "Intestinal Taste Receptor Expression and Its Implications for Health: An...