Abundance of benthic infauna in surface sediments from the North Sea sampled ...
Data were provided through and converted from Schlüter, M & Jerosch, K (2009) Digital Atlas of the North Sea, hdl:10013/epic.34893.d001 (pdf 3.7 MB). -
Meiobenthos of the Dutch Continental Shelf in spring 1991
Meiofauna composition for 22 stations in the Dutch Continental Shelf in spring 1991. The data were digitized by VLIZ from the original report:Huys, R.; De Smet, G. (1991). Het... -
Benthic fauna in Estonian territorial waters 1993-2016
Quantitative results of large invertebrates species/taxon biomass and abundance sampled during Estonian national monitoring in Estonian coastal sea, Baltic Sea. The samples are... -
Benthic fauna in Estonian territorial waters 1993-2016
Quantitative results of large invertebrates species/taxon biomass and abundance sampled during Estonian national monitoring in Estonian coastal sea, Baltic Sea. The samples are... -
Study of epifauna and meiobenthos by means of cage experiments in a Ceriops t...
Abiotic parameters and densities of meio-and epifauna taxa and nematode genera present at several depths in the cages, half cages and blanco's of an <i>Avicennia... -
Meiobenthos of the Dutch Continental Shelf in spring 1991
Meiofauna composition for 22 stations in the Dutch Continental Shelf in spring 1991. The data were digitized by VLIZ from the original report:Huys, R.; De Smet, G. (1991). Het... -
Diversity of meiobenthos in tropical seagrass beds of Gazi Bay (Kenya) sample...
Meiobenthic composition and densities near five seagrasses (<i>Halodule wrightii</i>, <i>Halophila ovalis</i>, <i>Thalassia hemprichii</i>,...